I can’t find a damn thing I want to see. They’re all either blatant testosterone flicks like Gladiator, MI2, and Gone in 60 Seconds, or cheesy chick flicks like Frequency and Return to Me.
We’re seeing Keeping the Faith tonight, because there was nothing else we could agree on. He was interested in the Men Movies, I was interested in…well…nothing. Except maybe Dinosaur.
So…has anyone seen anything decent lately? Something to recommend? Anything?
Well, I’m in a country that plays such movies weeks or months after the US (normally) but I can say that Gladiator rocks, that Dinosaur looks - well, it’ll have its good points - And MI2 and 60 Seconds have had baaaaad reviews.
I do like Jenna Elfman… but the trailer to Keeping The Faith gave away the entire story, so I ain’t plannin’ on seein’ that.
Y’know, either I started a family at the right time ( ie, gave up the weekly movies) or Hollywood started to just suck the big one or my tastes and expectations changed that dramatically.
All the movies that I’ve seen in the last two years that I’ve really liked have been either foreign films or Indies.
I don’t mind escapism once in awhile, but, crist, between the Meteors are going to crash into the earth debacles and the 90210-Melrose Place-Partyof Five-JenniferLoveHewitts- pretty to look at but couldn’t carry a scene in a bucket, there is really nothing out there to watch if you have gray matter between your ears. Oh, did I mention that they are predictable too?
Call me crazy, but I like movies with a plot,good to excellent acting, and a well written script…::voice from the back of the room:::You’re crazy, lady! Dontcha know that every one wants to see Jennifer Love Puke-it naked on the back of a dinosaur as it rides a meteor crashing into New York City while listening to Aerosmith?"
My husband and I just commented that you could shake up all the modern movie actresses in a bag, and the last one out would smell like the first one in. They all look alike (pretty) and all act alike (bad). Where are the Bette Davises, the Judy Holidays, the Vivien Leighs, the Rosalind Russells, the Marie Dresslers? Women who were allowed to have a personality, women who may not have been gorgeous, but whose roles stay in your brain forever. These women ACTED, they didn’t just REACT to whatever else was being said/done in the film.
Shirley Ujest, like you, most of the modern films that I like are foreign or independent. Did you see “Ma Vie En Rose”? We loved it! Then a few days later, we rented the latest 007 movie out. It was so forgettable, I can’t even remember its name. Pierce B. is a babe, but . . .
I think this is so hilarious - last winter I read an article in EW about how movies were becoming so new and original, thanks to hits like Magnolia and American Beauty. The prediction was that all Hollywood movies are going to take a more independent-minded route.
Fuck that.
The only good movie I have seen recently was “M:I2” but sometimes I am in the mood for testosterone-y flicks. The last excellent movies I saw were: American Beauty, Sixth Sense, Magnolia and Stealing Beauty (I rented it). Everything else sucks.
yeah, gladiator wasnt really that great and m:i-2 was alright considering it was mostly in slow motion. i just got back from watching gone in 60 seconds and that movie sucked big time. i knew it was gonna be bad but i just had to watch, just like i had to watch battlefield earth, which deserves a MST3K viewing.
It’s not you, Ruff. Jophiel and I were looking for a movie to possibly go see last night and out of about three different theaters, one which has 30 screens, we could only find two movies we’d even consider watching. Frequency, because the concept does appear interesting, and High Fedelity because we’ve seen previews and it looks pretty damn good.
There’s a third, but we saw it and it would be my recommendation as far as going out - Road Trip. That movie had me laughing so hard I thought I was going to fall out of my seat. It was great
The last truly great film I can recall seeing in a theatre was LA Confidential. I’m still pissed that Titanic beat that out for best picture. I can’t think of anything really good showing right now.
I liked Shanghai Noon, but then again, I’m hard pressed not to like something with Jackie Chan in it.
I think that each movie is only as good as you let it be. I mean if you go in to MI2 expecting a deep thinking, mood inspiring movie you will be grossly dissappointed. But if you go in expecting to be entertained by a totally impossible set of stunts and a so-so story you will be entertained and get you money’s worth. I think anyway.
Nika, that’s why I’m not seeing MI2. I don’t need, nor necessarily want, to see a mood inspiring, deep thinking movie. But, entirely impossible stunts and and so-so story are the last thing I want to see. Movies like that drive me batty!
I dunno. Sometimes I like to see a good, intelligent movie that provokes thought. It’s good for me, but then, If I really want thought provoking and educational I will watch Biography (one of the best shows ever put together, IMHO - speaking of which, shouldn’t this be there? I can’t get used to this new system).
I have sattelite, which means that I can basically sit down and watch whatever kind of movie I want. As much as I hate to admit it, I really like bad, emotional tear-jerker movies. One of my best examples is Sliding Doors with Gwyneth Paltrow. I don’t think it did very well in the box office, but I really enjoyed it.
Another one would be Meet Joe Black. I think the movie is all in how you come into it, as with anything; It’s all about mindset.
I can totally understand that, Ruffian. Did you see Erin Brockavich? I loved it. It is just a real feel good movie, no deep thoughts, no ridiculus stunts… But you leave the theatre feeling good about yourself and about life.
MI2 was ludicrus (SPELLING???) I laughed the whole way through at how cheesy it was. But at least i was entertained, if not the way it was intended
Lately, I’ve just stopped wanting to see movies, and it kinda depresses me. The last one I saw in a theater was Magnolia, and that was four or five months ago. Even if there’s a movie I really want to see, like High Fidelity, I just won’t see it. I guess I’ve been so jaded by bad movies, I refuse to see any.
Like the golden age of television, the golden age of Hollywood has benefitted from sedimentation. The crap has settled to the bottom to be covered by the crap of later generations. For every A movie on the bill there was a B movie, a couple shorts, and a cartoon. Many of the cartoons have survived, but many, many have not. The only shorts that are still seen were by the Three Stooges. The B movies are gone, as are many of the A movies. If you see a list of the great movies you will see that there is only one or two representing each year. There has always been more chaff than wheat.
I liked Small Time Crooks. You’re right, it is kind of slow for around the start of summer. Where are the Ghostbusters gang. They missed a good opening week for the next in the series.