Is it offensive to fly a peace flag?

All these flags waving about are making me envious. While I support national unity, the whole waving the stars and stripes smacks too much of “Us Merkins against the Rag Heads” for my taste. Beyond that, I think that this nation needs to come together and heal, but also to strive for the ideal of peace. I would really like to put up my peace sign flag, as a gesture both of unity and of hope for peace and healing.

Do you think this is offensive or inappropriate?

It wouldn’t be offensive, but it certainly isn’t “a gesture of unity”. Further, I wouldn’t be surprised if you find yourself a target by people who do find it offensive.

Fly both.

Even sven, I think you should fly the peace flag. I think most people would understand your statement without being offended. I would be very proud so see somebody sticking to even higher principals than God and country at a time like this.

Fly it, but be aware that some are going to interpret it as “I’m against the US” just as you interpret US flags as “Us Merkins against the Rag Heads”.

I like the idea of flying both as well.

Fly many flags: Old Glory, the Union Jack, the Maple Leaf… all of the countries that have indicated solidarity. And fly the Peace flag alongside them.

Or fly the U.N. flag.

I struggled with this one, too. I have a huge peace flag I made in 1970. Last Friday was deemed a flag day at my workplace, and I stayed up late Thursday night trying to figure out how to present my flag unoffensively. My best idea was to put some clear plastic over the star field, and write in red: “An endangered concept… September 11, 2001”. But you just couldn’t see the writing well enough.
I actually was less afraid of offending someone than I was of someone taking offense and damaging my flag! So I just wimped out. I’m afraid to hang it outside for the same reason. So now it’s adorning the wall of my living room.

Although it doesn’t fit in this thread, one of my first reactions was to see if I could find a “Don’t Tread on Me” flag.

What does this have to do with pubic toupees?


I think there’s somebody out there who’ll get offended by any flag choice you make, including flying none at all.