Is it okay to ask out a girl at her job?

Listen… the last time I was here I wound up in the Pit so I’ll tone this post down. This girl is the coolest girl I ever met and you know I’ve been seeing other girls since but they dont match up. This girl works at a supermarket but I was wondering if it wuodl be cool to ask her out there cuz I dont know her number or where she lives. She offered to chill with me before but you guys know what happened then. I dont care if we were just friends Im’ wodnering if I should go to her job. I mean we talked a lot in the past and I’m usually not nervous about asking a girl but its at her job you know? So any suggestions?

It depends. If she has given you some kind of hint that she would like to spend more time with you, then go for it. If not, I wouldn’t bother. If she deals with a lot of customers, she probably gets hit on a lot.

I work at Wal-Mart and I think it’s kind of skeevy when guys hit on me/ask me out while I’m at work. It kind of gives off a “desperate” vibe to me.

If you do it, do it quick and clearly. Leave quickly afterwards too, no matter if she says yes or no.

You DON’T set yourself up to get shot down in public by a woman who hasn’t even been DRINKING.

You get to know her, you make her laugh you get her number and THEN ask her out. Yeesh.

I mean, she could be a lone with five kids under three. You need to feel her out.

You never ask for a phone number. You make a simple statement, “I want/need your number to call you later.” Much more assertive.

Whups. I mean, … “She could be a loon AND have five kids under three.”

What’s the worst that can happen? She says no and refuses to swipe your bonus card?

Unless you’re more desperate to save ten cents on green beans than interested in having a date, just do it.

The worst that can happen is she says yes – and is a loon with five kids under three.

If you do, just be a gentleman - keep it casual (like “would you like to get a drink after you’re off work?” or something similar), don’t take up too much time (since she’s working), and be graceful if she says no.

With those caveats - I say go for it.

Hehe. Feel her out.

That would creep the hell out of me.

Right. But she’d still be a loon with five kids under three if he spoke to her at her work or if he happened to run into her one evening at the local Starbucks.

Sequential thread title alert - the thread title under this one was “Tying a knot in my penis” :eek:

Heh heh.

Me, too. It’s happened to me several times before. I thought the guys were all right until this popped out of their mouth. Then I refused to speak to them again. It might be assertive to say you want something from me, but it’s more polite to ask. I’m sure some girls respond to assertiveness, but not all. It’s happened twice since I got married - another good reason to “feel a girl out” first.

You might try asking her if you can treat her to lunch on her lunch break. Especially if there is a deli or someplace quick you can walk to from her work. It’s safe for her (daylight, she doesn’t get into your car, etc) and if you don’t hit it off, you’ve only got to spend an hour with her.

When I worked retail, sometimes I’d get asked out like this. I didn’t mind. A couple of times I said yes. One guy I ended up going to lunch with like once a week for a whole summer until he went back to school. We didn’t really date, but it was nice.

It all depends on the setting. If she’s running the cash register at checkout and your cart is overflowing with oysters, condoms, whipped cream, and jello you might drop a line like “I can’t possibly use this all before it spoils. Why don’t you come over after your shift ends?” might just get a response from the try anything once types. :smiley:

I’m practically engaged, so if this happened I’d be saying no however polite they were. But demanding my number would set off my creep alert. All I’ve gotten in my limited customer service experience are compliments, no requests for dates.

I don’t think there’s anything really wrong with asking her as long as you aren’t creepy about it and can deal with her saying no. Just because she’s working a cash register doesn’t mean she’s desperate for a date. Otherwise, ask away.

An offer to chill with you. Did you help her stock the frozen food section?

Actually, I wouldn’t ask for her number. She wouldn’t tell me because of what happened last time. I probably would just give her my number until she trusted me enough to not screw around with her. It’s been a couple months since I’ve seen her so that’s why I also felt nervous. But again, I would be perfectly happy with just being her friend. And if she doesn’t want anything to do with me that’s cool I just hate What Ifs. One other thing, the reason why I didn’t ask her earlier because I’ve been busy as hell with work and the fact that my best friends were leaving for college. So, a lot of farewell parties.

I know some of you girls who would be skeeved out about a guy asking to chill with you at work but how about if you knew that guy? Does that change anything?

When I was single, there were several occasions when men whom I knew from outside the workplace came to my job site and asked me out. I never went out with any of these guys, and was quite annoyed that they showed up at my place of employment. I can’t speak for all women, of course.