Is it possible to go overboard in the pit?

Shouldn’t post twice in a row but… if you wanna know why Sultan got banned, take a look at this thread. Everyone involved in that thread said some pretty awful things. But only Sultan wanted to know how far he could go before he got banned. That kind of line-walking is not encouraged.

In my opinion, and obviously in the opinion of the mods who are the ones who count, he was trolling. He found something that pissed people off and he was pushing it to the maximum. And he miscalculated where the edge was.

Manny in that thread was extremely offensive because he was upset; he works right by the crash site, he has to smell the bodies being uncovered by the people Sultan dismissed as ‘morons with a shitty job’. Sultan was offensive because he wanted to see how far he coul go before he got banned.


Geez guys, didn’t you see Fenris and I go to the brink earlier in this thread? That was an example of what not to do. Might be time to give it a rest, and avoid yet another locked thread.

By the way, don’t be fooled by the fact that my post count has (just) scraped into four figures. I’m a newbie at heart. I feel your pain, but this kind of stuff is better said in The Pit.

So it’s ok to call someone a pathetic little twat or a jackass or self-centered or a piece of dog shit or a clueless asshole or a dumb fuck or an asswipe, but it’s not ok to say that maybe the people helping clean up the WTC disaster do not have the best intentions? It seems like most people except for Sultan in that thread should have been banned.

TLD: I am going to try to have a friendly discussion; if it gets heated I will simply drop it. I generally think that logic will win out, despite evidence to the contrary.

Monocracy… seriously, read your last post and ask yourself if it wasn’t biased. If you think that that is a fair description of that thread, well, I’m not going to try to reason with you any more.

Sultan didn’t just say WTC workers didn’t have the best of intentions. **He said they were morons, and ‘fuck them.’ He said their job wasn’t that big a deal because he’d had people close to him die. **

And he specifically asked how far he could go before he got banned. He was trying to piss people on purpose. That’s against the rules.

Re: The Sexual Harassment Thread:

The Loch Ness Hump said someone deserved to have random people touch her if she dressed in sexy clothes. And insulted her for being touched by strange men she didn’t want to have touch her. He was way out of line in that thread. If you can’t see this, again, I don’t think you’re someone I can have a reasonable discussion.


I was wondering where that sock went. I guess the dryer didn’t eat it after all.

Actually, you are lying, or just stupid. I said this in the other thread … people with an unpopular opinion will get attacked, ganged up on, and misquoted. LochNessHump actaually said the exact opposite … exact quote: “Did you deserve it? No.” He said that people do not deserve to be touched by strange men, yet many people misquoted him just because his opinion wasn’t popular. If anyone is looking at this with a biased view, it’s you.

Try reading, comprehending, then posting.

I thought that accusing someone of being a sock puppet or a troll is forbidden on this board … am i wrong or does this only apply to people with less than 2000 posts?

I was going to move this to the pit but frankly, it’s been a long day, I’m tired, and I just don’t care anymore. Say goodnight, Gracie.

Monocracy, are you unwilling to address the fact that Sultan’s posts were just as offensive as anyone’s else in that thread, and that this thread indicates that he may have been trying to see how far he could go?

Also, I am aware that LNH claimed she didn’t deserve it, but he also went on to say, “Well, that’s what happens when you go out dressed like a gutter whore.” He made lip service to the idea that she didn’t deserve it, but he went on to claim that she did. He was a hypocrite, not a martyr.

Yes, Smeghead should not have implied you were a sock. Your comment about post count is downright silly, however. People of all post counts are always getting in trouble for that, because its very tempting.

Frankly, I am beginning to think that you have an irrational grudge, or several of them, and that you refuse to talk about this sensibly. If you want to make obnoxious or snide remarks, they belong in the Pit. I would like to have a friendly, reasonable dialogue.
