Is it time to leave yet?

Excellently put. This, exactly.

Trump is a white supremacist. He ran on a platform of racism, misogyny, nativism and islamophobia. His audience loved it and ate it up. Trumps white nationalism is a feature, not a bug.

Pointing these facts out isn’t hate.

I don’t mean to pick on you, but how is moving to Canada an improvement on doing nothing?

(post shortened)

I see no reason for you to stick around. Are you planning on legally emigrating, or will you simply enter another country as a tourist, and then refuse to leave? I’m pretty sure there are 192 other countries in the world that will insist that you follow their immigration policies, regulations, and laws before they accept you as a citizen, or as an over-extended tourist. There may even be a waiting list to get in. It may also be difficult for you to find work in another country (not that you’ll ever need a job, of course) without having legally entered their country.

Child abuse as official government policy on the border.

America’s total indifference to competence in politicians

Constant demonization of non-whites, non-christians, women, foreigners, etc.

Putting a remorseless sex offender on the supreme court

A sham FBI investigation into Kavanaugh

Trumps ties to Russia

Trump possibly taking bribes from foreign nations

Trump being pro-torture

Electing a sex predator like Trump, and nearly electing a sex predator like Roy Moore

Writing off all legitimate criticism as ‘fake news’ if it doesn’t say what you want to hear, meanwhile believing endless lies and propaganda in their conservative propaganda safe spaces.

attacks on an independent press

angry, irrational mobs who want their political opponents imprisoned on fabricated charges

After years of attacking Hillary for her emails, total indifference to Trump using personal cell phones and unsecured wifi.

attacks on an independent judiciary

attacks on independent law enforcement

attempts to overturn the constitution via executive order (the 14th amendment)

This too shall pass. Stay and fight, be active, reverse the hate and the narrow-minded stupidity. We’ve overcome a lot though not all of prejudice. Pete & Woody kept up the fight. One brave woman refused to give up her seat and changed the world, why let a TV reality show asshole chase you from the country.

I willingly serve this nation when I was young. I am not giving up now.

Thank you.

Paying off a porn star with campaign funds?

Yeah, how would your leaving actually make anything any better?

Well, I ain’t going no-where. I like America. Our constitution still stands. Laws are laws and I insist they be enforced. Trump can’t change the constitution without the Congress and no one wants that. His day will come. I hope I am alive and well to witness it. I am optimistic this, too will pass.

What does this mean? It sounds ominous.

You do realize you’ve just been paying (FICA) taxes for the last 40 years, right? “my social security benefits” only exist as long as want them to. If they change the law, then that’s that.

Sorry, DolphinBoy, a legal request for Asylum comes at the FIRST safe country. Asylum seekers typically are NOT deportees from the U.S. nor do Asylum-seekers march waving their Countries Flag while demanding entry. Reality is weird that way. Now, go play with Flipper.

And you think it is really that simple? They fed citizens a promise of retirement help as American’s suck at saving money on their own and corporate raiders have trashed so many pensions. They can not simply end Social Security.

ETA: not worth it

You really need to stop drooling with rage. The rest of your claims are devoid of Reality. Obama, on the other hand… Such projection almost demands an intervention by loved ones. Do you have any?

Yes, they can. Politically, there isn’t currently the will to do it, but it’s just a federal law, like any other. What do you imagine would stop a willing Congress & President from repealing or amending it? It’s not like Social Security is listed in the Bill of Rights or anything.

I was born and raised in the USA. In 2010, I did, in fact, move to Canada, where I still reside.

My life is better in some ways, worse in others. But on balance, the things that are worse are minor irritants (higher cost of living, worse postal system, weather) while the things that are better are much, much better (healthcare, for example).

How does it help the US? I don’t know. I still vote, but my experience living abroad informs a lot of the way I vote. But I’m from California, so my individual vote matters very little, mathmatically. My existence provides a conduit for experiential information about what it’s like to live outside the US to flow back in, and what other ways of governing feel like. I’m not sure that it makes much difference: the people I know are already inclined to think like me, or else to dismiss me.

But I don’t have to be embarrassed when I travel on a Canadian passport, so that’s something.

I’m staying. First, if everyone who’s disgusted with Trump and Co. leaves, it’s tantamount to ceding the country to the bad guys. They don’t get to take my country that easily. Second, if everyone who can gets out does, who advocates for those who can’t leave?

Again, you are being deliberately obtuse. Can they by law do it, YES, can they oe will they actually do it, Hell to the No, NO!

Our Constitution needs to be rewritten.

The danger is, it might be rewritten by the wrong people.

But that doesn’t change the fact that America needs a new Constitution, and a new value system. We’re living with the legacy of race-based inequality, and as long as we use this constitution, that is what our country will be: racially, ethnically unequal.

Yes, stay, if nothing else to piss of the likes of the trolls we’ve seen come out in this thread and celebrate all things Trump across the nation.

I say this as an ex-Republican, but today’s party is not the party I was part of.