I was supposed to get off work 10 minutes ago. Notice the phrase “supposed to” in the previous sentence. I’m still here, and I don’t want to be. One of the members of the next shift JUST CALLED; she’s on her way. From her home 25 miles away. The other member of that happy little band of can’t-get-to-work-on-time choad hoppers scheduled to come in this morning doesn’t currently have a working phone.
Let’s examine the facts, hmmm?
*My husband is waiting for me outside.
*This is the 7th day this month I’ve had to stay over. The only reason it wasn’t more was because, during the week, there’s generally more than 2 people scheduled, and usually one of them (ONLY one, mind you) can get here on time.
*I don’t get overtime for this crap. I get COMP TIME. Which I never get a chance to take because we’re so short-handed all the damn time. I could spend the next 2 months at home and get paid for it if I didn’t have this goddamn work ethic baboon on my back.
Complaints have been made. Numerous times. But it’s hard for the supervisor to chastise the truants when HE’S THE ONE WHO’S NOT HERE YET AND DOESN’T HAVE A WORKING PHONE.
I could have piled a lot more vitriol into this, I think, but I’m tired. Because I’ve been here all fucking night and I was supposed to go home (checks clock) HALF A GOAT FELCHING HOUR AGO.
I want to go to bed. And eat donuts. Not in that order. And then go to sleep.
My husband just called from home. He got tired of waiting on me. See, where he works, people who are late get WRITTEN UP. What a novel idea.
I worked with a person I named ‘sleepy boy’, because he slept on the job.
He was always 15 minutes late, up to an hour late. Always too late for a turnover.
He was laid off a month ago. But I had complained about his lateness and sleeping for a good 3 years before.
Some people have absolutely no clue. One gal who worked for me was routinely 10-15 minutes late. I try to give people some wiggle room because the traffic here is weird, and in her instance she took the bus. But it was always the same; and I explained she needed to catch the earlier bus to get here on time. After another week of being late I told her she had one more chance to get here on time or I was going to let her go. She was shocked when I fired her. Shocked!
This used to hapen to me all the time in HS. I worked at Baskin-Robbins, and during slow times (fall/winter) the manager would routinely have one 16-year-old girl (i.e. me) staffing the store. I had numerous discussions with him about how I didn’t want to be scheduled for more than 2-3 hours on weeknights, because I routinely had 4-5 hours a night of homework, but he kept scheduling me until 10:00 closing (in violation of all sorts of labor laws, I might add).
One night, he finally listened to me and scheduled me “only” from 4-7. At 7:45, when there was no replacement and no phone call from my replacement, I decided to convince the manager I was serious. I had a paper to write that night. I called the manager at home and told him I was closing the store for the night, and on top of that, I was a student first and an ice-cream scooper second and needed more time for school than this part-time minimum wage job was allowing me, so I was quitting. He begged me to keep it open for another hour until he could get there, but I stuck to my guns. Most of the people he hired were complete losers anyway; there were plenty of Saturday nights I had to hold down the fort myself because my shift-mate was stoned or on the phone or talking to visitng friends all night. Sometimes it’s just not worth it.
I managed a fast food operation for a few years and the best students were always the best workers. It was hard not to take advantage of them. It was always the losers that would refuse extra hours, show up late, etc.
Nope, Chicago suburbs. You mean other idiots do this, too? He didn’t even stop after one of my co-workers was held up at knifepoint; he just installed a video camera.
One of my cow-orkers in another division is like that. He show up half an hour late (several times a week) and pretends that nothing is wrong, then complains to me that he does not have enough time to do his job.
Last week I got fed up and started calling his supervisor at home every time he was late. The tardy cow-orker is having a meeting with the supervisor Monday mornng.
I once worked with a guy who called in, on average, once a week. He had some pretty good stories, too - like the time he called in with broken ribs (he was fine within 48 hours).
On those days when he did show up, he would frequently show up late or leave early. On one memorable occasion he left ~4 hours early. When questioned about it the next day, he said he’d been here, but was “walking around”.
This was a highly-paid professional. It’s not unlikely that he was into 6 figures. I was shocked (and infuriated) at how long he managed to stick around.
People like this must have to get their pants tailored to accomodate the massive balls they have that permit them behave in this manner.
Where do they get the idea that being late is OK?
I used to know a lady (I use the term loosely) who would come in 5-10 minutes late every day. “Sorry!” she’d day. Every day, 5-10 minutes late and a sorry.
I informed her that it was very nice that she was sorry, but that I’d rather she actually showed up on time. Then she was outraged to hear the same from the boss after it didn’t change and I complained.
Everybody is late once in a while. Cars sometimes won’t start, traffic can be bad, we can oversleep…
But if you want to be on time, then you WILL be on time more than 51% of opportunities. If you you’re late 50% of the time, you’re doing it on purpose.
Well, I got out of here at 9:00 this morning, when one of the 1st shift people showed up. She at least called to tell us she overslept. The other member of my shift was still here at 11:30. She’s called in sick for tonight, incidentally.
Oh, there’s been plenty of bitching and employee meetings and warnings given out and blah blah blah. They’ll do better for a week or so and then slip right back into their old ways. The Powers That Be are extremely reluctant to fire anybody for anything; it’s a PITA to replace trained and certified dispatchers. And after all, it’s only us losers on 3rd shift who are being inconvenienced. What do we matter? It’s not like we do anything. :rolleyes:
Amen, sister. I’d advise the OP to get a new job, pronto, but I know that’s easier said than done. Maybe she should suggest people who are late be docked pay? Another good idea in this thread is to call the supervisor or write a memo every day that someone is late until something is done about the problem. When it’s your ass that is inconvenienced, you have to to be selfish.
This sure makes me appreciate my job. I have flex time in all but name. I generally have to be there in the morning. . . .but anytime before 8:30 is generally good enough. I routinely take two-hour lunches. But on the plus side, I also work late more often than many of my co-workers, and management is apparently satisfied that I am pulling my weight (I’ve asked).
This happens where I work too. Luckily we have overlap between shifts, so if someone is 5-10 min late it’s not too big of a deal. What bothers me is I would bet cash that the people showing up late are still putting the full time on their timesheets.