Is Mike Pence less likely to win election than Trump? Would he be a worse President?

Well, uh, OK, that’s for giving me several reasons, I guess. What makes you think those links work any better for me, or that my quota is larger than yours?

And around here, it’s usually expected that YOU provide the source material, but whatever.

Thanks to everyone who actually provided an actual link.

See Posts #8, 9, and 10, above.

I’ve mentioned it multiple times on these boards and gotten jeered for it every time: Just disable fucking Javascript in your browser and you’ll find that a lot of things happen differently, some for the better and some not so much so. One thing for the better: At WaPo and a variety of other news sites, you can then view articles to your hearts content without any paywall hassles. HTH. (You might have to clear cookies too, but I don’t think so.)

And: What septimus says about how to find articles, given quotes from said articles.

Yeah, I live there, too. I’d say he sucked.

Anyone with half a brain would prefer Mitch Daniels, but he doesn’t want to run.

That’s fine if you ONLY measure success by money. I consider other things as well, like public health and how minorities are treated. Also, whether or not someone is making law in accordance with scientific fact as opposed to Bronze Age mythology.

And that’s a charming apology piece for Pence you linked to. Since I have a bit more time this morning, let me enlighten people here on some of the bad things he did, and just as important, the things he did not do:

  • Failed to declare the East Chicago contamination sites a state emergency, or at least something to be worried about, when it was clear by 2009 that the neighborhoods built on the site of a former lead smelter were heavily contamined, people living there were being poisoned by the lead, and really, it should be every bit as scandalous as the Flint, Michigan scandal except that while in Flint you can purchase non-toxic water if you have to but in East Chicago the very land is poisoned. You’re standing on it, walking on it, driving on it, living on it, breathing the dust every minute you’re there.

  • Shut down the ONLY HIV clinic in Scott county during an HIV outbreak. Because it was a Planned Parenthood clinic. The name on the sign was the ONLY reason - no abortions were performed there. And it was the ONLY clinic in the entire county providing care for people infected with HIV. Scott county still has no HIV treatment for those with the virus.

  • The execrable passage of the so-called “Religious Freedom Restoration Act” which legalized religious bigotry in Indiana. The NCAA, Gen Con, and Disciples of Christ all spoke out against the law (and Gen Con took their convention elsewhere). Apple, Salesforce, and Angie’s List all changed plans to expand in Indiana, costing thousands of jobs that could have been filled by Hoosiers but went elsewhere. At least five state Republicans voted against it, and the mayor of Indianapolis, kind of pissed about losing potential jobs and convention business, also protested. Oh, yeah - he’s another Republican, too. Forget Pence’s bullshit comment about restaurants serving gay people - this legislation was clearly targeted at the LGBQT community, allowing discrimination against them, and just screw any job losses or business losses to the state it causes. (The law was specifically amended to correct the bigotry loophole) Oh, and since it would have legalized housing discrimination that wouldn’t have helped housing and homeless problems among the affected demographics at all. Thank Og we got that one amended.

  • Requiring not just abortions but also the remains from miscarriages at any state of pregnancy to be buried or cremated. Miscarry at 8 weeks? Gotta buy a coffin, find a funeral director… I guess you’d use a magnifying glass and a tweezers to find the little blob from the rest of the jettisoned bodily fluids but the law is the law, amirite? Oh, and it banned abortion even for grievous developmental defects. No matter how fucked up the fetus the woman would have to continue to carry it. Mind you, it still remained lawful for a woman with a healthy fetus to have an abortion at, say, nine weeks but if there was a defect it would illegal to abort it. What a fucked up notion of a law which, thankfully, was declared unconstitutional. But what the hell, let’s promote a guy who thinks unconstitutional laws are a great idea to PotUS.

  • Tried set up [del]Indiana Pravda[/del] JustIN to provide pro-administration propaganda under the illusion of being a “news service”. So no, he doesn’t tweet while sitting the toilet, he takes a much more polished approach to propaganda.

  • Tried to ban Syrian refugees from settling in Indiana. Always wondered how his predecessor Mitch Daniels felt about that - Mr. Daniels has Syrian ancestry but for some reason he’s not objectionable, why is that? (Hint: religion is a factor)

  • Blocked legal requests for public documents. Repeatedly

  • Used an AOL account for government business. Oh, wait, he’s Republican so it’s alright, only Democrats are evil for doing that, amirite?

  • Believes the movie Mulan is feminnazi propaganda. Also, said it proved women in the military were a bad idea. Sort of like another Indiana politician (and, coincidentally, VPotUS) Dan Quayle thinking a TV show was a promotion of single motherhood WTF? I know the concept of “fiction” exists in this state, but apparently not everyone understands the concept.

  • Promotes abstinence-only sex “education”. Which has been proven to not work nearly as well as actually educating people about sex. Cue whining about teen pregnancy rates and out-of-wedlock births because keeping people ignorant and banning abortions couldn’t possibly have anything to do with that number, amirite?

  • Said that condoms are very poor protection against STD’s. Guess Pence only had abstinence-only ignorance himself. Gosh, no wonder the HIV rate in Indiana shot up under him - shut down clinics AND tell people condoms don’t work. Good job, asshole.

  • Climate change denier. What next, the Earth is flat?

  • Has claimed that smoking doesn’t kill people. Wonder what he thinks about vaping?

  • The religious issues. He’s a born-again evangelical. It’s public record that
    — he is anti-evolution and pro-creationism
    — he is Dominionist, which means the end goal is a religious theocracy with Bible-based laws. His Bible, of course, meaning his interpretation.
    — he believes he is chosen by God to be a political leader. Ditto for Trump. Which would hilarious if we weren’t talking about real life and real lives.
    — the whole “would fund gay conversion therapy through public taxes” isn’t proven and his statements (presumably) deliberately ambiguous, but considering everything else he’s done I’m inclined to believe that claim to be true.

Now, I suppose if you’re a heterosexual, conservative, Evangelical Christian yourself with Dominionist leanings that’s all OK. For the rest of us - the not Christian, the liberal, the not heterosexual, and/or people with a fact-based approach to life - he looks really bad.

Trump is an incompetent malignant idiot.
Pence is a competent malign force.

Given no other alternative, I’d take another 4 years of Trump rather than 4 years of Pence.

I’m generally pretty aware of the source when I post a link, and I try to avoid paywalled sites, even if I’m subscribed.

But sometimes it can’t be helped. If I want to link to the full and complete text of a Washington Post editorial, I’ve got to link to WaPo.

I’m generally pretty aware of the source when I post a link, and I try to avoid paywalled sites, even if I’m subscribed.

But sometimes it can’t be helped. If I want to link to the full and complete text of a Washington Post editorial, I’ve got to link to WaPo.

If somehow Trump does not run next year I don’t think it’s a lock that Pence runs . There are other people the GOP might pick other than Pence such as Rubio.

Given that Romney seems to be the only one with a spine and has some experience - knowing, perhaps, what not to do this time around - I’d probably hope that he would make a second go.

Trump fans don’t like Romney since has criticized Trump so Romney would not have much of a chance.

OK, I think people misunderstood my objections. In fact, I actually DO have a WaPo subscription on my Kindle so the paywall isn’t an obstacle.

What I don’t understand is why, if you want to discuss a George Will editorial you don’t link to the actual editorial. Instead, the OP linked to a bunch of people discussing the editorial. Did he want to discuss the discussion?

If you want to discuss X then link to X, not a bunch of talking heads rambling on about X. I can do my own rambling, thank you very much.

Pence’s 2020 Presidential Election Odds: not great, but better than any GOP beside Tramp. If Pence takes the Oval Office after Tramp resigns for medical reasons soon, do Pence’s 2020 odds increase?

Nixon chose Agnew as an anti-assassination shield, as did Bush Sr with Quayle – shoot the Prez and you’ll get worse! Tramp wasn’t so smart re: Pence who, while vile, isn’t scary enough to deter a motivated attacker. Which is the lesser evil?

Trump’s base—and thus his support among Congressional Republicans—dwarfs Pence’s base. No one in Congress feels they can stop Trump, for fear of being targeted by his base. Consequently, Trump has had the power to do massively awful stuff.

Pence will not have that power.

Have you heard him talk about gays and non-Christians? He makes the Spanish Inquisition sound like screaming militant atheists.

Prior to Trump, there was Moscow Mitch and the Senate with the Republican majority. Unless that changes, Pence will have all the power he requires and the base will line up behind anyone that keeps the Democrats from having legislative and executive control.

Trump hasn’t made it easy for Mitch. Pence will make Mitch’s job much easier. Also, while Trump has led a bureaucracy of incompetence, Pence will rectify that with building a far more competently evil apparatus.

Better than a Russian colony.

I have seen this asked on other political sites and the consensus " if he’s in charge we’ll be the republic of Gilead in a decade or less " seems to be the norm … .even in moderately conservative places

Well, maybe. I doubt it, though. Personal popularity counts for a lot in politics, and I can’t see Mitch putting himself out for a guy with as little following as Mike Pence.

Trump has more acolytes among the professional political class than Pence does because Trump promises (and presumably delivers on) the oligarch-creating largess—granting contracts to those who fall in line, etc. Pence, I suspect, though desirous of power, is less willing to be as openly corrupt as Trump is. Ya gotta spread the cash around if you want fanatic followers.

We’ll see, perhaps, in the fullness of time.

Q: Is Mike Pence less likely to win election than Trump?
A: Yes.

Q: Would he be a worse President?
A: Define “worse”.

Q: If Tramp abdicates soon for medical issues, will newly-minted President Pence have a chance in 2020?
A: Rigging eliminates chance.

If I’m a passenger in a car I would rather have it driven by someone who is driving me to a place I don’t want to go, than have an inebriated orangutan at the wheel.

I don’t respect Pence, but at least I believe he wants the country to prosper, even if we differ in what that means and how to get there. Trump on the other hand would gladly drive the country into the ground provided he could stand up on top of the flaming wreckage and gloat.

Good point. He’s really more of a sociopath.