On the Christmas episode of the Middle this year this discussion came up. One character thought King Moonracer was himself a misfit toy, another strongly felt otherwise, and a third character had to watch the special to break the tie. But how do WE feel about this important issue?
Spoilerboxing my own thoughts on the matter, just so if you’d like you can vote without being influenced by my opinion.
I’d never even considered before that Moonracer was a toy, despite his ruling over the Island of Misfit toys. To me, just because he lives there and is the king doesn’t mean he’s one of them. He flies around the world saving the defective toys, after all, seems to me that makes him more of a magical being, like Santa, than a toy. Besides, what kid wouldn’t have liked a toy like that? Why would he be a misfit? Axel was totally right, screw the rest of BossCo., no way is Moonracer a toy (though I’m sure there have been toys made in his image!)
He’s an imp of Satan who tricks all the really coolest toys into believing themselves misfits. Then he takes them back to his island pervopalace where only he gets to play with them. What kid, for example, would not want a squirtgun that shoots jelly?
Why would he rescue, shelter, and rule over misfit toys if he were not himself one of them? And the fact that he’s a hybrid bird/cat creature just serves to punctuate the point.
Yeah, come to think of it, he does limit them (Rudolph, Hermey and Cornelius) to a one-night stay in the guest hovel because they’re living creatures. So how the hell does the bird in the goldfish bowl qualify to stay?
The girl who owned her out grew her. She says so herself, “There’s no one to love her” They didn’t make it too clear,because they didn’t want to be such a downer. But its real, little girls out grow their dolls. They only keep the latest ones out of sentimentality, it that. If toys actually had feelings, this would be horrific. Hence, Toy Story 2, which actually showed us a montage of a little girl growing up around Jessie as she sits on a self before she’s given away.
I’m very surprised “toy” isn’t winning. He’s on the Island of Misfit Toys. The island is for toys alone. And he’s not being portrayed as the type who would say “but the rules don’t apply to me!” And he’d be the only creature in the movie that was not a proper winter/Christmas mythical creature.