Let me preface this by saying I am not trying to use our hallowed halls to fish (phish?) for a date. I’ve just found myself single for the first time in a long while and I’m trying to get a feel for the lay (I said lay!) of the land as far as what is considered desirable these days. I assume the usual, universal things still apply but it is a bit of a new day as far as how people communicate and I realize there is a more of an emphasis on constant communication, due to all our electonic devices. Thing is I don’t really have an interest in that. I kind of hate talking on the phone as far as idle chit chat goes, and texting . . . just aint gonna happen.
Assuming that everything else about a person is a-ok, would that be turn a off? I’m not a technophobe, exactly. I do for instance have a cell phone, I just don’t use it much because I feel like, when I’m out doing something,well, that’s what I’m doing. I have no desire to call someone just because I’m stuck in traffic or whatever and I sure as hell don’t want anyone to do the same to me.
Am I destined to spend the rest of my life alone with my fat cat and my land line?