Is Ok OK now?

I’ve been seeing “Ok” pop up in a lot of places recently. Why is that? To me, OK is OK and okay is OK, but do we really need a third way to write it? I’m sort of OK with ok, because, as Allie Brosh says, maybe it’s been typed by an eagle with its talons. “Ok” shows you know where the shift key is and how to use it, but you can’t be assed to hold it down for the extra split second it would take to get the K in there. That just seems weird to me.

Here’s a link to the Merriam-Websters take on it: … just to give extra cover to the inevitable accusations of my being a grammar Nazi (spelling Nazi?) that are inevitably coming.

It’s OK however you want to write it.

Ok should be OK, just don’t use oK, OK?

I’m ok with that.

There’s okay.
There’s Okeh, an old record label.
There’s oke, in the The Lady Is A Tramp lyrics.
There’s Okely-dokely, from Ned Flanders.
There’s A-OK, from NASA.
It’s all OK by me.

Okey-dokey and related forms are for rubes and nimrods.

And the less said about 0k, the better.

To me, ok fits in a more informal context. The only time I’ve seen “Ok” is when people are capitalizing it at the beginning of a sentence.

Where exactly are you seeing Ok, @Greg_Charles? Formal situations like books, newspapers, magazines? Informal places like the Dope or Facebook or texts? That makes a huge difference.

Gretchen McCulloch should have quit while she was ahead.

OK was a short-lived soda marketed by the Coca-Cola company in 1994.

No matter the context, whenever I see OK, I always read it initially as Oklahmoa. Thank you, USPS.

One of my favorite copy editors insisted on O.K. , and I still have a hard time not writing it that way.

I think OK is so informal in and of itself that in any context where OK is ok, it matters not whether it is OK, ok, Ok, oK, okay, Okay, or oh-k. Ok?

Looks oll korrect to me.

I think it’s more likely that it shows that your device thought it prudent to capitalize the first letter of the word based on other context, and you didn’t override that default.

[Mr. Mackey]
“Ok” is not OK, m’kay?
If you use “Ok”, then you’re a bad person, m’kay?
[/Mr. Mackey]

I don’t think it’s a recent phenomenon. I remember seeing it in a lot of computer software from the early 1980s. Some software I use on a daily basis still uses it.

FWIW, I agree with you that it looks weird and illogical. “OK” and “okay” are fine, and maybe “ok” is also tolerable if you’re writing informally in all-lowercase. But “Ok” is mildly grating. Maybe I’ll submit some patches to the offending software.