Is Soda an Appropriate drink with breakfast?

  • Yes - all the time
  • No - not really, unless there’s nothing else
  • Maybe - if your craving Soda and nothing else will do.

0 voters

Drinking Soda is a generational divide. I grew up when Soda was an occasional treat. Maybe after mowing the yard or playing sports.

I still remember the shock at seeing Soda on the breakfast menu at McDonald’s. There’s just something about eggs and soda together that seems gross. Or cereal with milk and a Coke? :nauseated_face:

I know that changed and some crack open several cans of soda a day.

I deliberately made the poll a bit wishy-washy. There’s no right or wrong choice. Please, Order whatever beverage you desire with breakfast.

Like plenty of people, I like the idea of starting the day with caffeine via coffee; but I don’t like the taste of coffee, so soda it is (and has been since college).

That’s a good point that I hadn’t considered.

I’ve been a coffee drinker since age 14. That’s my caffeine fix.

Soda is another potent source for caffeine. I typically think of soda as a treat but I know that’s changed since my childhood.

Ginger ale is a great breakfast drink if you’re hungover but not in the mood to make a bloody.

Been drinking coffee since I was 15, no need for a sugar laden drink that early in the morning.

…which is why they invented diet soda. (And plenty of people put sugar in coffee!)

Unless they’re specifically formulated to be high octane, most sodas cluster in the 35-50 mg range in a 12 oz can.

Drip coffee runs 105-175 for an 8 oz cup.

I didn’t become a coffee (or tea) drinker until I was in my 40s; prior to then, my morning drinks would have been orange juice or soda.

I don’t typically drink soda before late morning at this point, but I don’t see that there’s anything “appropriate” or “inappropriate” about that choice – it’s all about personal preference, and using “appropriate” in the question suggests that there are breakfast etiquette enforcers looking down their noses at soda for breakfast. :wink:

Yuck ! To me, carbonated drinks just don’t go well with most breakfast foods.

Except that I don’t like coffee, and in a period of my life when I needed caffeine more I found one and only one “energy drink” whose taste I could abide . . . and changed my breakfast food choice to something far less healthy.

The makers have since monkeyed with the taste of this drink and made it as disgusting as all the others, so I’ve mended my ways and eat a little better. Thanks soda makers!

I dunno if “inappropriate” is the right word, because it’s not like I’m making value judgments against people who drink soda with breakfast … but yeah, I find the idea kind of weird and unappealing. I’m not sure exactly why (like, if I were going to a fancy brunch or got upgraded to first class on an early morning flight, I might have a mimosa, so it’s not like I’m absolutely opposed to sweet fizzy drinks at that hour; and I have met enough people who do drink soda at breakfast that it’s not a totally unfamiliar concept). It just feels sorta-wrong.

Same. I find the idea off-putting, but then, I’m currently munching on a breakfast brownie with my morning coffee, so who am I to judge?

I put at least an equivalent amount of sugar into my coffee.

Sometimes, I just want a soda.

But most of the time, neither. Usually I just reach for the ol’ Donald Duck OJ.

I voted no, but if you’re an adult, do want you want. Your decision and it doesn’t really harm others (much).

It’s probably not any worse than having soda with lunch or supper.

I’m going to be the crank yet again and say that soda has no redeeming nutritional value of any kind, so it’s very much like saying is it appropriate to have candy for breakfast.

Nutritionally, no, it isn’t.

Taste is subjective, so no really a question of appropriate or not, there. Billions of people love soda.

If you need caffeine in the morning and don’t like the taste of coffee there’s a variety of other sources – black tea, yerba mate, even a caffeine pill. None of which deliver empty sugar calories and artificial chemicals and preservatives in a vehicle that erodes the enamel of your teeth.

No usually not! Though I could see it go down with a western omelette or hash brown casserole.

Not with Fruit and oatmeal or in cereal god forbid!

I remember visiting mom & pop cafes with my parents. The breakfast menu was a separate sheet of paper. The beverages were coffee, tea, juice, and milk.

I’m sure they would have sold Coke on request. They stocked it for lunch and dinner. It just wasn’t that common for breakfast.

Expectations changed after McDonald’s introduced the breakfast sandwiches. They’ve always sold a lot of soda with meals.

I can’t stand the taste of coffee but have been drinking sugar-laden, cola-flavored, carbonated beverages for years–especially on many very early morning shifts. I’ve developed a taste for the true breakfast of champions: Pepsi and 3 Musketeers bars! (Snickers bars in a pinch.) There’s something very satisfying about the interaction of the soda and the nougat filling.

I also find that colas are my preferred drink with bagels.

Soda is appropriate for breakfast if mixed with vodka or rum.


In fact, forget the soda!
