Is that a bomb in your pants or are you just happy to see me?

Man arrested for claiming his penis pump is a bomb in order to avoid embarassment:

Now he’s facing three years in prison.

Hey, it’s not his bag, baby. [/AP]

Maybe he was so happy with it, that he was proclaiming that it was THE bomb. Don’t you hate it when innocent miscommunication leads to prison time?

And his mother would not be upset that he was not only carrying a bomb, but carrying a bomb on a plane that she was going to fly on?

If I were his mother, I know what I’d rather he had packed in his bag.

Maybe he’ll be able to share a cell with the pumping judge.

Supposedly, kiddo whispered to the TSA agent that it was a pump, and that the agent mis-heard that as “bomb” :dubious:

Oh, just because someone had to say it:

and someone had to say this:

An Interrogation–

Feds: Why did you carry a bomb on to that plane?
Perp: Because of what the airline told me.
Feds: ??
Perp: I asked them what were the odds of me being on a plane with a bomb on it. They said, “One in a million.”
Feds: So?
Perp: So then I asked them what were the odds of me being on a plane with TWO bombs on it. They said, “Less than one in a billion.”
Perp: So, that’s why I brought the first bomb on board. D’Uhh!

So your implying that he tried to take his luggage as carry on in his pants?