Is the C-word allowed outside the Pit? {Answered: not in a misogynistic way or to insult. Not even with a letter changed}

I don’t know what the title used to be, but i agree that the issue is that she was called a cunt, and I’m pretty indifferent to the spelling. Although, trying to connect her to Q-anon is an interesting theory, and might matter.

Absolutely. We should be better than that. Even in the pit, I’m not sure “cunt” should be tolerated in reference to anyone. (I’d have to dig, but I’m pretty sure in the last few weeks I saw the word “cunt” being used in reference to a poster. No, I didn’t report it, because I’m not sure what the rules are in the Pit in regards to that.)

I object to the c-word, would not mind if we totally banned it again. But sometimes “bitch” is the right word. But used with caution.

Do we have a similar disapproval for the frequent use of the word “dick” to describe an obnoxious person (usually male for some reason)? I tend to see “dick” as being roughly on par with “bitch” when used as an insult. (Calling someone a “prick” is stronger language.)

This is obvious. Consider the precedents we have (and not just on this board), using GQP or QOP for GOP, and names like Qevin MqQarthy and MqQonnell.

Maybe everyone’s forgotten, by the way, but we’ve had problems with naughty words appearing in thread titles outside the Pit, and even in the Pit because those thread titles can show up elsewhere. When Trump left office, I started a Post-Clusterfuck thread somewhere outside the Pit, which caused some objections to having Clusterfuck in the title.

24 posts to get to “what about the men?”

If you are a dog breeder and need to refer to one of the breeding stock?

If that’s not it, please elaborate.

The “more jokes” thread now having NO RAPE JOKES in capital letters in the thread title is a bit disturbing when it keeps popping up and catching the eye. I can imagine why it was done, but isn’t there a better way of enforcing this?

And if a racial slur was used with a letter substituted I doubt that rules-lawyering would be tolerated.

I think you’re off base here. I can’t envision how any word that is disallowed would ever pass muster through creative spelling. It really does not alter the primary question that was raised in the original title.

ETA: ninjaed by @octopus

He got banned because of using the word ‘harpy’ to describe a woman. That was a warning and then a ban. You can’t honestly claim otherwise. Furthermore, he also got a warning for something that was explicitly allowed by Ed.

Which led to some interesting fallout if I do recall correctly. One of which is a farcical sticky in the Pit. C’mon man.

No, that was related to a different incident, also involving Shodan, but not related to gendered insults.

If someone ever said “take that n-word down a peg” I would really hope they would be instabanned.

I don’t think so. I think it would be like saying “Barack Obama is a migger” and the Mods saying, “That’s OK because it used an ‘m’ instead of an ‘n’ so it’s not the same word.” To this point, a mod changed the title to imply the thread is about letter changing and not what the implied word was and I am on record as saying when I wrote the title, that is what I meant.


It could be that calling a non-member a migger with an n is acceptable outside of the Pit. As of yet, no mods have answered that question. You know - the question I asked before my title was changed.

Yup, “n-word” is a way of referencing the word without saying it, it obviously doesn’t circumvent the taboo on using the word as a slur. Just as @DeadTreasSecretaries said.

Yeah, the thing that makes the word use a slur/insult is that it’s directed at a target. Qunt and cunt have the exact same meaning in that context (obviously besides the qanon allusion).

Yeah, i can guarantee the mods would not be okay with that. Speaking as a mod, I’m really certain of that.

A female dog.

Seconding, mostly.

I assumed the spelling was a weak attempt to avoid being noted or warned for misogyny. But even if it was a bad pun from Qanon, it’s still misogynistic.

It also led to rather a burst of ‘hey look I’m not making a rape joke’ jokes.

Here’s a previous moderator decision on the subject:

And here’s the ATMB discussion that resulted.

I’ll admit. I saw it and was disturbed. I can’t stand MTG but that doesn’t matter, I don’t like that word used in any context to describe a person. It’s not okay to be a misogynist when it’s aimed at the “right person”.

I was tempted to report it, but I searched for the C word as it was used in P&E and saw numerous uses against specific women and not one instance of it being moderated. Based on that, I figured it was explicitly allowed. I don’t like it, but I’m not reporting something that isn’t against the rules.

I even checked the P&E rules post and as far as I can tell, there’s nothing prohibiting its use as long as it’s not directed against another poster.

So I really don’t like it, but it seems pretty clear it’s not against the rules.

It really should be, though. :frowning:

The use of “harpy” was just the straw that broke the camel’s back. He’d been warned repeatedly for insults, trolling, and other violations. I’m not sure how many he’d accumulated prior to that incident, but it’s disingenuous to suggest that it was just the use of “harpy” that was the ban catalyst.