Is The SDMB Switching to Paid Subscriptions?

I know little of the “early 60s sitcoms” of which you speak.


You’re kidding, right?

I have emails dating back to…umm…

At 1:24 AM -0400 7/11/91, AHunter3 wrote (to a Women’s Studies list):

Why the heck would I ever throw away my emails? It’s not like they’re taking up lotsa room on my hard disk or anything…

Does that mean I can stop mailing in my posts? Man, I’m going to save a TON on stamps!!

Wow, yeh, and the geese will be thrilled when I stop chasing them for new quills.

I’ll kind of miss the field trips to collect berries for making ink, though.

[Emily Litella]“What’s all this then about maid subscriptions? Why can’t they just go out and hire one like everybody else does? How do you subscribe to a maid, anyway? It’s not like they can be mailed to you every month. This just sounds like another one of those newfangled interrmentnet ideas that is just plain silly.”[/Emily Litella]

"What? Oh…never mind.

The mice will be furious.

Pssst… hey Tuckerfan… I think you won :slight_smile:

It’s a conspiracy. The clique got emails. The unwashed masses didn’t.

I got an email. You apparently didn’t. What can I say?

No, actually I wasn’t kidding. I didn’t realize that people kept ancient emails just for the sake of keeping emails. I’m an anti-clutter-bug so I clean out my emailboxes every so often just for fun. :slight_smile: