Is there a modern equivalent to "I made you a mix tape"?

Well, that and standing outside her window, playing the tape on a boom box held over your head.

Just hope it doesn’t rain-- your ghetto blaster could short out!


I can’t watch that scene. Within seconds I get what feels like terminal douche chills.

Ha! I remember back when you had to tape all your favorite songs off of the RADIO. And sometimes you didn’t always get the full song, and the DJs would talk over the END.

Well yeah. Imagine a mix vinyl or wax record! You either have to play all the music yourself! Live and nonstop! Or hire a band at great expense!

In the future you can just plug someone’s name into google and it will create an iTunes genius playlist for you.

When we were still going out (a year ago) my ex made me a “mixtape” that was one mp3 file with ten or so songs played in order and mixed into each other. Like a DJ mix. I thought it was really sweet.

:smiley: That’s one way to get under a Kashmir sweater…