Is there a thread in the BBQ Pit about these topics?

I’m looking to see if there’s a thread already active in the BBQ Pit on the topic of banning books in school libraries, and people preferring a more diverse viewpoint being called “porn peddlers” and “groomers”.

I’m looking for a place to put this story.

I would think that the “omnibus stupid people” thread would suffice.

IMHO would work well. Why the Pit?

Yes, why the Pit?

Why not is a good question too.

It’s a pretty incendiary story, and IMHO has conduct rules not present in the Pit. It might merit more Pit-worthy responses.

School board members close to my hometown were accused of being porn peddlers because they like books that promote diversity. It absolutely belongs in the Pit because I think people will want to bitch them out, as I do.

If there is a thread specifically about that, it hasn’t been active in quite a while.