Is There Any Element of the Republican Congress Which Might Check Trump?

OK, if Trump should turn out to be a true disaster- say, using his office for the gain of his businesses, really crossing some of the lines we’ve set out, using the office to go after his rivals in an IRS auditing, Nixonian manner

Do we know that there are at least a few of the Republican congress who would work with Democrats to put him in his place? Or is there just no hope thanks to partisanship?

I’m really wondering about specific names that we might count on to be there…

Cruz - Even inside his own party he’s seen as an uncompromising dick. Trump personally attacked his wife. The downside is Cruz might still feel like he needs to play ball to challenge in 2020. That was enough for the “vote your conscious” to endorsement swing.
McCain - Just won a 6 year term and is already 80. Talk about limited chance for repurcussions if he says fuck it all. Personally attacked over his POW experience.
Rubio - Said he didn’t want to run this time so potentially losing in 6 years might not be that scary. Personally attacked by Trump.

Party before country.

Trump isn’t really a Republican, so he will probably have many policies that don’t fit the GOP orthodoxy. There is no way of knowing how that will go down with Congress.

It really depends what the subject is, and what Trump’s solution is. His opposition will vary wildly based on that, in amount and name.

It seems safe to say that the vast majority of Republicans in Congress feel strongly that Pence would be a much better President, which is a basically unprecedented situation. Obviously, they’re not going to impeach him without some good reason, but I think, especially if his approval ratings tank, he’s going to be on a pretty short leash. I hope to God I’m right.

Basically, the Congressional GOP hopes he just spends the next four years occupying himself with embezzlement and sex crimes, and let them run the country. If he tries to actually set some sort of legislative agenda that conflicts with the right-wing agenda, the Constitution, and/or the laws of physics…I think it really depends on how popular he is. They would be happy to throw him under the bus if they think the voters won’t punish them for it.

The Republican Party is still factionalized and Trump introduces yet another faction into the mix. There will be power struggles, you can be sure of that.

Sure. If Trump actually introduces any legislation to benefit the white working class, Republicans in Congress will make sure it doesn’t pass.

Just out of curiosity, what sort of legislation could this possibly be, distinct from legislation which benefits the working class as a whole?

Well, the Republicans who couldn’t stomach Trump sure seem to be rallying around the winner. :frowning:

Because they know he’s easy to manipulate. They don’t give two fucks about him, but he’s going to be in the position to sign their bills and they know he rates an idea based on how much praise the person saying it has given him.

I think if there was a military threat and it looked like President Trump was seriously considering abandoning a treaty obligation, Republicans in Congress would override him.

This brings up a thread I saw a long time ago on this board:

What happens if Congress declares war but the President doesn’t wanna?

If the legislature can fail to approve a justice, I suspect that the executive can fail to nominate one.

Technically, it doesn’t matter. President McKinley opposed the Spanish-American War but Congress went ahead and declared war over his objections.

Granted, as Commander-in-Chief, a President would have broad powers to “slow down” a war he opposed even if Congress forced him to fight it. But I think once American troops became involved, any President who was perceived as devoting less than a full effort to the war would be in trouble with Congress and with the public.

Would a failure to conduct a war in the appropriate manner (that is, willful negligence) be grounds for impeachment?

Scrapping affirmative action?

I spent four years in a state with Pence as governor. Despite being one of the people who signed a recall petition on his loathsome ass, I have to agree, Pence would probably be a better PotUS than Trump.

It is my understanding that Congress can vote to impeach for any reason they see fit.