Is there any glue that sticks to laptop plastic?

I’m having a horrible time trying to find a glue that will stick to a laptop.

Those rubber bumper strips on each side and top of the screen? They always come loose and fall off after a year or two.

Nothing seems to stick to these blasted things. That rubber strip has a weird plastic/oily feel to it. Glue just won’t stick… :mad:

I even tried my hot glue gun this past weekend. Half the rubber strip came off within 10 minutes. A day later the whole thing drops off. I used my fingernail to remove the glue from the screen frame. Peeled right off with no effort at all. What kind of weird plastic is this stuff made out of? It hates glue.

Is there a glue known to mankind that will stick these things back on?

Gorilla Glue. Works like a champ and will stick to anything.

Bet it doesn’t work. It’s a polyurethane glue, and not very flexible.

I’d try “Goop” - it might not stick permanently, but it’s flexible and has some adherence to most plastics.

I’ve been searching for a glue that will adhere Nylon-6 to Polypropylene. No luck so far.

For the OP’s application (flat rubber strips that don’t get flexed), I think GG would work well. I know because GG is the only thing I found that holds the rubber feet onto the bottom of my laptop.

You do have to follow label directions (lightly dampen both surfaces to be glued, don’t use much GG because it foams). I’d use a toothpick to smear the thinnest possible amount onto the rubber strips.

GG is one glue I haven’t tried. Next time I’m at Walmart… :wink:

It says a lot that these rubber strips fall off in the first place. Apparently even Dell can’t find a decent glue that works with this type of oily plastic.

There’s one other thing you could try - Vyco tape.
Ultra thin, and super sticky.

I have my power cord permanently bonded to the case due to a jack problem. To take off the stress I have the cord attached to the case with a nylon tie. The glue has been there two years and takes some bumping without signs of separating.

I would suggest using the Goop as the bumper. Rough the plastic surface up with sandpaper or scratch it up somehow to provide a grip. Let it cure for a full 24 hours. This is a miracle produce that I always keep available.

What is it made of? I have had good luck using 3 way plastic pipe cement. It is made to cement PVC, CPVC, and ABS pipe and fittings. Look for it anywhere they sell plastic pipe. Be sure and get the 3 way stuff.

Tried E6000? It’s more a craft type glue, but I’ve found that stuff sticks to anything…heck, it has kept my driver side mirror on my car for almost a year.

Be aware the Gorilla Glue EXPANDS like nobody’s business when it cures. Use very modest amounts or you will have a huge encrusted mess.


Not a glue, but how about smearing some acetone to dissolve both surfaces and make them stick? Or anisole might be a better solvent.

If you’re arty, you could try ditching the prefab bumpers and make your own out of sugru. A couple of people have fixed up laptops and other electronics with it so I would think it’ll stick.

How about model glue from a hobby store? That stuff welds plastic together.

Acetone, methylene chloride, MEK - none of them will dissolve either Nylon or Polypro. Both of these plastics are very chemically resistant, which is why we are using them, but it make bonding them a real pain.

I have not tried this for the OP’s specific application but I have some epoxy I bought at Home Depot that is specifically for plastics.

This is what I came here to say. Get yourself some Sugru, it’s fun stuff!

I had never heard of sugru before but I had the same question so I ordered it, got it, and two days ago replace lost rubber bumpers on my laptop with it and the stuff is awesome. If you had a big enough piece you could make a chair that was custom-made for your butt. :smiley:

How about 5-minutes epoxy? Not the industrial type, but those for plastic modeling.

This website will give you the info on gluing anything together:

This to That