Liberals are breathing a sigh of relief after Trump’s latest deranged tweets, along with revelations about his past showing him to be a white collar criminal.
But they should be tearing their hair out. HRC is only three points ahead in the latest poll, which has a margin of error of, um, three points.
In other words, Trump is clearly winning on the issues. If he weren’t such a blatantly racist, sexist, lying, cheating, uniformed, uneducated idiot, who compels huge portions of the electorate to vote against him regardless of the issues, he would win this election.
What does that say about the future of the US? Even with the Trump disaster, there is virtually no chance of the Dems getting a filibuster-proof majority in the Senate, which means that the Republicans will again adopt a policy of obstruction, and oppose everything HRC tries to do, even if they privately agree that it would help the country. Which means that in 2020, they will again be able to point to the lack of progress in the US, and blame President Clinton for it. And the Fox News viewers and dittoheads will lap it up, as always.
So how hard will it be for the Republicans to run somebody who has spent four years honing Trump’s populist-idiot message, but who doesn’t have all of Trump’s history of lying, cheating, and chiseling; who doesn’t make racist or sexist tweets at 3 AM; and who has heard of the nuclear triad?
Coupled with their voter suppression techniques, I don’t see how they can fail to win in 2020, probably in a landslide, which also means that they will again be in a position to gerrymander the Congressional districts to maintain their majority in Congress for at least another ten years.
Is there any hope that I’m wrong?