Is there any reason we should be preventing children from using nicotine-free liquid in a vape device? Assuming it’s proven to present zero harm to them.
I can’t think of one. Can you?
Is there any reason we should be preventing children from using nicotine-free liquid in a vape device? Assuming it’s proven to present zero harm to them.
I can’t think of one. Can you?
It’s a gateway vape
just as bad as candy cigarettes
Yep it is just as bad as candy cigarettes, meaning not bad at all(unless you’re a type 2 diabetic).
Hell if I had a teenage child that I found out was smoking cigarettes, I’d buy them a full e-cig kit and nicotine juice for it! I’d much prefer my child use that then damage their lungs with cigarettes and inhale smoke.
We should probably let them mainline distilled water, cooked up in a spoon with confectioner’s sugar, assuming it’s proven to present zero harm to them.
What if I sell a underage kid vegetable glycerin and propylene glycol and he mixes up his own vape liquid? I mean most pharmacies/gourmet groceries/hobby lobby sell them.
Should food flavorings be 18 and up too?
I’ve no idea. The ‘Assuming it’s proven to present zero harm to them.’ pretty much demolishes any argument to the contrary, but does so without adding any substance to the discussion.
Honestly, my biggest objection to the massive growth of vaping here in the UK (including proactive marketing to minors) is that the market is more or less completely unregulated and is flooded with cheap imports of untested. unregulated safety and quality.
Is it really legal to sell nicotine to minors in the UK? No matter what form it is in, like under 18?
Just for info sake most vape liquids are some ratio of VG/PG along with nicotine and food flavorings, all of those are considered GRAS by the US FDA or have been used in inhaled medicines for a long time.
It is preferable to smoking cigarettes from a health standpoint by any measure.
The nicotine juice is illegal to sell to minors. Pretty much everything else about vaping (including quality control) is unregulated - the whole thing has sprung upon the market very rapidly and regulation has not caught up.
If you can be sure of the quality of the product, then probably yes - and certainly for existing tobacco users.
Yea I think the government or regulatory bodies should clamp down on marketing to minors or non-smokers.
But hell if governments wanted to make a big impact on public health on the cheap they should promote vaping for existing tobacco smokers, give em free cheapo kits and juice to at least get people to try it(probably be more successful than decades of anti-smoking PSAs).
*And a correction to my earlier post yes I know nicotine is not GRAS, I meant all the other ingredients :p.
I know so little about vaping itself that my response to the OP’s title was going to be something like “I don’t think fruit juices are designed for breathing.” The following is based on how I see people react to the subject, so take it for what it’s worth.
I don’t think individual safety or health has anything to do with modern regulations about smoking or nicotine. Kid users are discouraged to keep them from being adult users. The ultimate goal is to reduce the number of adult users by starting young.
So the logic they would use, I think, is that they don’t want vaping to become more popular. They support it as a replacement for smoking, not as a truly recreational tool. They don’t want kids to be pretending to smoke.
Then again, the same logic has been shown to be flawed in other areas, so I don’t know if it’s a good argument in this one. I mean, it’s not like video game violence makes real violence “cool” to kids.
This is only my opinion so take it for what it is worth(meaning not much).
Assuming you have a person who started vaping without ever toughing a cigarette, I couldn’t imagine they would transition to smoking cigs. I mean I started out as a intermittent/1-2 cigs a day smoker if that with weeks/months/years long period of abstinence and I could never go back now that I switched to vaping. Even the few I smoked had my lungs feeling like shit, with vaping there is no lung pain at all. Add in the various flavors and I just can’t imagine someone starting vaping and then transitioning to traditional smoking.
The few times I have forgotten or broke my vaporizer I went without rather than smoke a cig, just from the memory of how nasty they tasted and felt.
But people transition from not-smoking to smoking all the time, for reasons way less compelling than nicotine addiction - rebellion, wanting to look cool, being told it’s relaxing, whatever. I will bet you very good money that many nicotine-addicted “vapers” will smoke a cig in a heartbeat if they can’t get a refill or their e-cig breaks and they can’t replace it right away.
That’s a really good point - I guess the real question (from a government-caring-about-the-kids POV) is whether vaping makes that transition more likely, or less. It seems unlikely that the impact would be zero.
Can you tell at a distance what a kid is vaping? From personal experience, I’ve vaporized cannabis on a park bench. With so many people using vaporizers in public, anyone noticing me might assume I was legal.
Would a cop have probable cause to question a ten year old and ask for proof his substance was nicotine free?
That’s sort of my biggest issue - as a parent trying to keep a teenager from smoking weed - its apparently easy to vape things other than nicotine. I’m not sure why its that different than selling pipes or bongs. And as the parent of a teenager, teenagers will do all sorts of strange dangerous things - their common sense has not yet developed - I really don’t need to give them any additional tools (the drivers permit is bad enough).
And I don’t have a problem with marajuana legalization, I just need a kid with enough brain cells and motivation to pass advanced algebra. Weed does affect developing brains, and kids who smoke pot are far more likely to have addiction issues later in life statistically speaking.
Maybe because vapes are already coated with THC from previous non juice-related use?
Changed the title a bit like you asked.
Do you also need a cite to prove ice is cold? :dubious: