Is there anyone else out there who hates coffee?

I don’t know what it is about my taste buds, but I think I’m in a minority of people in the world who hate coffee.

The last cup of coffee I ever had was in 1996, and it came from one of those urns at a reception. It was the worst taste experience in my life. I think I had half of it and then I had to pour the rest out.

Don’t get me wrong, I’ve tried coffee flavoured candy and coffee cake, and I like those, but if someone pours me a cup of coffee it will get cold before I can get it to my lips. I’ve also tried lattes, but don’t have the gumption to try anything stronger than that.

It’s strange - my entire family drinks coffee except for my mom, who drinks tea. Tea is my preferred hot beverage because there are so many flavours available. Not only that, I don’t put sugar or milk in my tea.

Anyone else out there with me?

I have never acquired the taste, and can detect it in microscopic amounts in food and beverages, and I’m the same way with ketchup.

I was raised in a mormon household and have never touched the stuff.

However, it stinks. If it tastes anything close to how it smells, I wouldn’t want to get in scenting distance of it.

ETA: The back of my memory is telling me that at some point in the past I tasted coffee-flavored hard candy. I spat it out. And now I’m remembering some coffee-flavored pastry. Left it after one bite. Yeah, not my thing.

I love the smell of coffee. I enjoy chocolate covered coffee beans, especially if I have huge glass of skim milk at the ready too. But I can’t drink coffee at all and have no idea how anyone manages to choke it down, regardless of how much cream and/or sugar it contains. Coffee the drink is a vile, vile abomination.

Mixed feelings. It’s funny: I love it as a wake-up stimulant and de-facto laxative. I hate it as a beverage, and find it odd that people drink it all day long…as a beverage.

Thread will probably be moved to Cafe soon.
I like the smell of coffee - even used to boil coffee for sheer use as a household scent, not for drinking - but I can rarely drink it because I’m sensitive to caffeine and may not sleep for an entire night if I drink it late PM.

I don’t hate it, but I don’t like it and I don’t drink it. I don’t mind the aroma of roasted beans or fresh grounds or even brewed coffee, but my taste buds say no no no. I did manage to drink some once that was about half milk and with a lot of sugar, at which point I asked myself why bother. Also, since I don’t know what it is supposed to taste like, I can’t make good coffee myself (I don’t know how strong to make it). My husband will drink it once in a while, usually as a latte, but not at home. I can eat tiramisu and enjoy it, there’s a lot of other flavors and sweetness going on there. Straight or even doctored coffee is just not my jam.

I drink black tea and diet colas to get my (admittedly weaker) caffeine fix.

I hated coffee for many years. The instant that my parents drank, generic restaurant coffee, and especially that vile stuff in large urns was a total abomination. Then I met Peet’s French Roast, and the world changed.

I’ve never had a cup of coffee. Don’t like the smell, don’t like the taste of things like coffee ice cream, never bothered trying to develop a taste for it.

I used to work in a Tim Horton’s back in Ontario. I think that’s where I developed my dislike of coffee.

It tastes a lot worse than it smells.

I’m seeing a majority of posters here don’t like coffee. It’s nice to know I’m in the same boat you are! :slight_smile:

A majority of posters who’ve posted in this thread. There’s a massive polling bias to threads like this - people tend not to jump into threads just to answer “Nope! I have not experienced this thing!”, possibly due to a desire not to threadshit.

'Scuse me? I looked elsewhere in the forums to find a post such as mine before I posted this. I couldn’t find one and so I posted it. If it is your intent to let me know this is an asinine subject, then why not just come out and say it? But once the post is published, it can’t be retracted so you might as well just ignore the rest of the thread and go find your fun somewhere else. You don’t have to dump on us, thank you very much. After all, isn’t this what The Straight Dope forums are all about, sharing ideas and information and to have a little fun?

I like coffee and tea, never got in to a starbucks habit, but preparing morning coffee has been a ritual for years. Several weeks ago I came down with that annoying cruddy cough, with attacks of dry coughing spasms that would take me by surprise. One morning it was coffee that set it off, really grabbed me by the throat and I completely lost my love of coffee, at least my coffee. SInce then I’ve grabbed a cup here an there, take one sip, blech, poured it out. SInce then only tea, with a little natural honey.

I don’t miss it.

Someone just got in my office elevator who was drinking coffee. I couldn’t wait to get out! :slight_smile:

I adore strong rich coffee with milk, and would drink it all day long but my stomach, about twenty years ago, decided to differ with me about that. I limit it to special occasions and when traveling. My stomach has even stronger opinions about chocolate, sadly.

I like how coffee smells, but despise its taste. It doesn’t matter how much cream, sugar, caramel or whatever they try to drown it with. It’s bitter, foul, and undrinkable.

This is how I feel about tea.

I don’t drink coffee often, but I like it if it’s good coffee.

Woah woah woah woah woah - hold on a bit, calm down, take a breath, maybe reread. I didn’t say that posting this topic was threadshitting. (How would that work, anyway?) I said, and meant to say, that people tend not to make dissenting posts in threads like this lest they be seen as threadshitting. This means that you’re going to see a lot fewer dissenting posts than you might in a straight poll.

I mean, like so:

‘I don’t like coffee! Am I alone in this?’
‘Of course you are! Coffee is great!’
‘Everybody loves coffee, what’s wrong with you?’
‘I think coffee is great.’
‘Are you some kind of deviant? Coffee is the nectar of life!’
‘It’s sweet ambrosia!’
‘I hunt coffee haters for sport!’
‘Coffee is the only reason I’m alive. My blood is literally brown.’
‘Let’s forget the OP and talk about the best coffee blends!’