I do something similar to “binge watching” on netflix with music.
From time to time, I get deep into a band or singer. It may be one that I am familiar with already (I have gone through this cycle with the Beatles and the Clash a dozen times), or it may be a band I have never really appreciated before, like Joy Division…or even something that is a guilty pleasure and brings back old memories, like Aerosmith.
During the binge, I listen to pretty much every album or single, chronologically if possible, download and keep any songs I like, read album reviews and any other articles. Sometimes these binges do not last too long (my Motley Crue and Amy Winehouse binges), others may endure for a month (my Bob Dylan binge for instance). Eventually, I get tired and move on to another act.
When a binge is really underway, I barely listen to anything else.
Is this common or just weird? Most people I know like a playlist with variety, but I will just exhaust a band for a while.
Yes I definitely do this I’ll binge listen to a bands discography and then I’ll listen to bands that were side projects of the members and at the same time I’ll read up on the members bios on wiki and watch DVDs of their performances and such.
I remember doing this with Soundgarden for a while I was obsessed I had their entire discography and then I listened to Temple of the Dog and Chris Cornell’s only solo album at the time Euphoria Morning. And also some of the Pearl Jam stuff cause the drummer joined them.
I did the same thing with Alice in Chains I had their entire discography and had the DVD with all their music videos which was really cool and I listened to some of Jerry Cantrell’s solo stuff and the side project the lead singer Layne Staley was in, the band was called Mad Season, I thought it was a great album actually but you had to be in a certain type of mood.
Not a band exactly but I have at times binged listened a song. Once in a while a song will get its hooks into me and I will just listen to it multiple times in a row.
Yes, I do this. With individual songs, albums and discographies. Sometimes I’ll wear them out badly, and can’t really enjoy listening to them again for months or years. As a result, I try to consciously stop before I’ve made myself tired of them.
That’s pretty much the only way I listen to music. I pick out a band and work through their discography in chronological order. If I’m not sick of them by the end, I’ll work through each band member’s solo and side-project stuff.
Yes, I do it. One of the best things in the world is to hear a song for the first time, and have it hit you in such a way that causes you to listen to it many times over.
When I discover a band that is new to me and I really like what I’m hearing, I’ll at least do a binge sample of all their music I can find. If I’m still liking what I’m hearing, then I’m down for working my way through their catalog.
I’ve binged on The Beatles many times- all Beatles stations on the internet make it pretty easy. The only artists besides them are Johnny Cash and the Gaither Vocal Band (My parents love the Gaither Gospel Series and the Gaither Vocal Band is great).
Absolutely, I get in moods when all I want to hear is a particular artist, or genre, or era. It usually lasts a couple of weeks to a month: a while back I wanted to hear everything David Bowie ever recorded, after that it was 90s alternative for a solid week, at the moment it’s folk/country/blues. Last night I listened to Tom Waits, Jack White, Bob Dylan, Ry Cooder and The Civil Wars, and now I have a yearning for Neil Young, the Allman Brothers and Exile era Rolling Stones. Next week it’l probably be trip-hop and electronic
I’m the same way. I just found out about an Australian band Arrowhead is coming live to town next weekend. I binged on their entire album from Their website. Free to stream but available for purchase.
If this is their signature sound, then I’m gonna like it.
Oh yes indeed, many a time. Usually the Beatles or Steely Dan, just out of appreciation for the catalog - oftentimes enhanced by drink.
I went through a Grateful Dead phase between say 15-17, haven’t revisited much. For some reason, the weather this weekend made me want to cycle through that 70s catalog and I enjoyed several hours vegging out in the deck in Dead mode. Cleared my system, won’t need to do that again soon but it was fun.