Is this abnormal?

I am a 19 year old male, and I have never had a headache in my life (I still have no idea what they actually feel like), and I have never had the flu in my life either. Sometimes it will arise in conversation and someone will say to me “you know how sometimes when you get a really bad cold and your muscles ache, you joints ache…”… and I have no idea what they are talking about.

Is this abnormal?

Well, it’s unusual. But in your position I’d consider myself lucky, not abnormal.

Have you ever been hurt? Have you ever been in a serious accident where ever one else was injured but you survived without a scratch? Just checking.

Damn! Beat me to the punch.


Be patient son, she’s coming… :smiley:

Hey, Just to give you a head start Elijah is the bad guy! He is not your friend!
Beware! Beware!

I have heard of a few people who don’t get headaches. Have you ever gotten drunk then hungover? Did you ever meet my ex? You’d probably get one then.

Hahaha… gold!