I’m looking for someone with specific skills to help out on a project I’m working on. I suspect it is frowned upon to post requests like that on SDMB, but I figured I’d ask if it was acceptable before posting a “How would I go about finding a such-and-such” thread.
Any advice?
I don’t think posting “I’m looking for someone to help me out with my Photoshop project” is unacceptable…we’ve done that before. I can’t really fathom anything I would consider unacceptable except illegal stuff and full-blown job listings. Whether or not you’ll get someone to take you up on it is another story.
I’d suggest emailing mods and/or admins with your specific case (or posting it here, at least) so they could better make a judgement.
Right: email the Moderators or Administrators, and we’ll very likely approve your request. Kinda depends on what it is, of course. “I need someone to help me figure out an Excel spreadsheet” is probably OK, while “I need someone to drive my get-away car” or “I need someone to cover me when I purchase illegal drugs” would probably not be.
Well, there goes *my *business plan. Thanks a lot, Dex.
Well, maybe not. Split it 50/50?
Sounds like a plan. Meet outside the First National Bank at 2pm. I’ll be the one in the ski mask.
Ending sentences with prepositions? This is the kind of thing up with which we will not put!
Forgot to mention: I only have my driver’s permit so mom will have to go with us.