Is this picture sexy to you and if so....

…what is it that makes it sexy?

Cindy Wilson of the B-52s

The tilted head? The big eyes with lids slightly closed? The illusion that her mouth is a little open?

A mouth with slightly parted lips i get. Indicating an increase in breathing. But the head tilt? The big eyes? Eyeliner draws attention to the eyes magnifying the effect, but what is the effect?

Edit: The hair, IMHO, is a non-factor. To me. all the mentioned features would be sexy if she were any where from being bald to that being her real hair.

Not one bit, but maybe that’s just me. I don’t like her hair or her eye makeup. Other than that, I think she’d be considered “attractive,” but I don’t see anything particularly “sexy” about this woman or this photo.

Not me either. There’s something in her eyes that does NOT say “come hither.”

Not at all. If there’s a person under there, it’s buried under the ridiculous hairdo and the makeup.

It’s an odd pose with a weird wig. Just for fun I flipped the picture horizontally and it looks a little more natural to me. And also as I remember what she used to look like I see that emerge in the face to and it’s not so bad. But still a bad angle for her eyes.

Not sexy at all. She looks like a little girl playing with her mother’s cosmetics.

I would say a bit sexy but I agree hair and makeup are not good.

She’s really in a form of drag, (yes, even women can dress in drag). But looking past the drag, like looking past the carpet and paint job when shopping for a home, yes, I would say the look is generally sexy.

Nope. But I’m sure she’s very nice.


Not at all. A weird, intimidating and strange photo.

She’d be sexy if she took that stupid wig off.

NM. I decided I have no business having an opinion on this.

No - the stare and the overdone hair put me off.

I found the eyeliner repulsive. I don’t like lipstick, but that wasn’t overdone, so okay. And the hair is over the top. So nope.

Different strokes for different folks. I wouldn’t kick her out of bed, so long as the lights are off.

Not sexy. Not precisely antisexy either, I mean it’s not like ugh eww hell no or anything. Just not enticing or directly appetizing.

I greyscaled the pic, cropped out the hair, and softened it a touch. Does it help anyone?

I don’t find either pic particularly sexy. I could see where someone who might posses different genitalia than I do might see it as a “come hither” look, where “hither” is one’s boner.

Yeah, I concur. She is a attractive woman but that look doesn’t help.

Mind you, the late 70’s big hair look can be sexy to me, along with too much eyeshadow, nails, etc. But that’s because it’s what I grew up with.

Amber Lynn was very sexy.

Not sexy to me. The hair and makeup are freakish and it’s hard to look past them. The pose can certainly be sexy but she’s not pulling it off. Not sure exactly why; her expression isn’t saying “I’m interested in you”, more like “why are you looking at me?”

Here’s a photo of a woman in almost the same post which I do find sexy.

This. Trying too hard.