Is Vader CGI in the new Star Wars trailer?

If so, will he be CGI is the movie?

I suspect (from the trailer) they’re going to do a combination of costume, makeup, and a few CGI touches. YMMV. :wink:

Not sure why’d they bother with CGI. It’s still cheaper to do a guy in a suit. And since all he is supposed to be is a guy in a suit, what would be the point?

All of the Clone Troopers were CGI, even when there was just one or two on screen. I get the feeling a lot of the special effects are done because they can, not for any real reason.

You don’t really get the genius that is George Lucas , do ya punk?

He is most certainly not. That’s Hayden in the Vader costume. In that shot, Vader is real, and the table he is strapped to is real. But from early “pre-CG” shots I’ve seen, I can confirm that the room around him is fake.

In the end Lucas will retroactively CG everything he can lay his hands on. With the giant render farms of Industrial Light and Magic studios at his disposal Star Wars is a big SIM game to him.

I’m wondering how much of the wookies are CGI. In the shot in the trailer of two wookies, they look like costumes a la Chewbacca, but the huge shot of all of them cheering looks to be CGI. I don’t mind the wookie army being CGI, but I do hope that if it is one or two onscreen theyare costume’s, because a costume actually looks REAL! Why don’t you understand that, lucas? All of the aliens in episodes IV-VI look 10000000000% better than the ones in I and II. Ugh! CGI indeed! :mad:

Close-up wookiees are real. They’re the Sydney Kings basketball team under those costumes.

God lucas is really ruining the prequel trilogy with all this cgi shit, I especially thought he went crazy on episode II I mean jesus christ its hardly anything but cgi

Hey, give Lucas a break. He’s just trying to advance the state of digital art to 1970s handmade FX.

Sure, I’ll take his left leg.