island girl

~~At work, the guys have this thing we call “Island Girl”…
It works like this; we each have to pick one girl that works
on the same floor we do that we would want to be stranded
on a desert isle with… It’s serious… The hottest babe isn’t
picked but the other girls are due to qualities they
have such as attitude, trust and so on… …and looks…

My island girl pretty much fits my “dream girl” and that’s cool…

pick someone from your workplace…

[ul][li]I’ll go with that “hottest girl” at your office that hasn’t been picked.[/li]
[li]Do the gals know about this and who belongs with who?[/li]
[li]Do you guys get any work done in this office.[/li]
[li]What do you have planned for the Christmas party.[/li]
[li]I need directions.[/li]

i work with all guys! ain’t gonna happen!

There are two women on my floor I find attractive. One is a blonde bombshell, the other’s the girl-next-door-type brunette I currently have in my sights anyway.

I’ll go with the brunette, just because she seems more interesting and funny than the blonde.

But damn! I work at the Atlanta headquarters of a worldwide beverage company (you may have heard of it). There are five buildings, including three high-rises, and over four thousand people here.

…do I have to limit my choices to one floor of one building?

I like chicks as much as the next guy, er…whatever, but unfortunately, everyone I work with is a.) old, and b.) icky. I’m jealous. We have only one floor.

~~kniz- no the girls don’t know and that’s why you see
I punked out of my own post because someone at work might
see ___'s name, but she might know anyway by the way I say

Fiver- I think you’re doing the right thing but go ahead and
bend the rules all you want…

Fiver don’t miss the Coke thread that’s going on here on IMHO.

The Coca-Cola Archipelago.

We recently have had a couple of cute hispanic girls added to our cleaning staff, and everybody is talking about it - for the longest time the best we had were some middle-aged women who were plain at best. I find myself smiling and saying ‘Hi’ whenever she comes to empty out my trashcan.

But, heh heh, guys (nervously wiping brow), I never said I work at Coca-Cola!