IT CAME FROM BENEATH THE SEA!!! With newslink & photos.

Well then, we have another sea monster washed ashore.

Small, but otherwise a dilly!

That’s, um, strange. I’m almost positive it’s a hoax, but it’d be cool if it was something new!

Well, of course you’d want to protect the identity of your monster storage yard owner. That’s only common sense.

Montauk: Land of Chowderheads.

Jeff Corwin says he thinks it’s just a decomposing 'coon.

It’s Cloverfield!!!
Huh, I was sure Dopers would be all over this one. I think it looks like a mutant, shell-less turtle. Or some sort of viral marketing. Whatever it is, it’s keeping me up at night.

Worst post/location combination ever.


I think it’s the mythical Pagenotfound.

Maybe its just an update of the “Fee-jee Mermaid”.

P.T. Barnum and Robert Ripley would have a good laugh over this one!

I don’t think it could be a turtle. The head looks a little like a turtle head, but aren’t turtle shells a part of a turtle’s body?

Then again maybe it’s a koopa troopa. Mario is on the loose!

It’s Manbearpig! I’m serial!

Yeah, turtle shells are the spines/ribs of the creature, so you can’t ‘deshell’ it without massive bodily trauma.

I keep seeing references to some “Venom” energy drink that has some CAPTURE THE BEAST ad campaign now with lots of Pithy Quotes. Maybe it’s a viral ad for this “Venom.”

[del]Sadly,[/del] Cloverfield is much, much bigger. Also… pointier.

Assuming that creature is real, that is some piss-poor evolution at work. Why does it need elbow joints and four legs for balance if it’s water-based?

Link doesn’t work for me :frowning:

I want to see the sea monster, too!

This should work, with a bigger picture too…although the original link works for me as well. Googling ‘montauk’ will get you countless things, too, if this one goes awry.

That is so fake.

Hmm… I’m going to guess fetal capybara!

The “beak” is just snout bone. Yeah, that’s it.

And it’s poppa was a platypus!

When I first saw the body I thought it was a dog. Then I saw the head, which looks like a hawksbill turtle, then I thought “that’s not real”. It’s either a photoshop and all the “witnesses” are in on it or it was something along the lines of the Martian Monkey and the body had to be taken away so no one could examine it closely.

In this day and age, who finds a body of a weird creature and then takes it home and buries it? Most people would be calling news crews, Regis, The View, Extra, Katie Couric and whomever else they could get hold of in order to get on TV for a few minutes. They’d also have T-shirts made up by the next day.

The National Post article linked above gives credence to the viral marketing idea since Venom energy drinks have already jumped on it.

Let’s go dig up all the back yards in Montauk and prove it’s a fake!

I agree it’s either a capybara (carpincho is how we call them in my home country) or other large rodent. The “beak” is simply the front teeth, look over here, it’s just that we are not used to what the skull of a rodent looks like under the fluffy furry exterior.

Yes, I’ve seen a squirrel skull or two in my time which is why I thought the “beak” looked more like the bones of a rodent snout.

There’s also no real sense of scale in that picture, so it could be some hairless mouse thing bred for science experiments. But assuming it’s roughly dog sized, I’d say it’s an ass-naked capybara.

Looks to me like the decomposing carcass of a little blunt-nosed dog, like some sort of pug mix, unfortunately. The prognathism of the skull looks too blunt for a raccoon or some sort of large rodent. You can see canine teeth, as well.