It is 10 AM here in India, but no rapture.

Or is it only in U.S?

Or do we have to wait till U.S wakes up?

It’s supposed to happen at 6 pm in each time zone.

Another 8 hours!

I guess I will wait.

Quite right, no butting in line !

I was wondering about this. So at 3 pm pacific the rapture’ll happen on the East coast?


Yeah but if it doesn’t happen, where am I supposed to go looting? I want free stuff.

That could cause problems. What about people who cross a timezone boundary going eastward between 5 and 6? They could miss out on their chance of rapturement. Or people who didn’t get raptured could cross the timezone boundary the other way in hopes they’ll get another shot at rapturitude. Ya know, a second chance at the second coming, so to speak…

It’s already 7.45 PM over in New Zealand, and I’m not seeing any unusual headlines. Here on the southeast coast of Australia it’s currently 5.45 so I’ll report in if anyone vanishes.

Of course, we’re all atheistic communists here in the not-USA, so maybe that’s why no-one has vanished yet.

Boy is your face going to be red at 6:00pm.

“Where’s the Kaboom? There was supposed to be a large Earth-shattering Kaboom!”

Not a sausage … oh dear, how sad, never mind.
I guess they are going to get one right, eventually.
When’s the next apocryphal apocalypse due so I can set my watch?

No Rapture going on here.

There is some hunger, though.

Nope: it’s now 6.30 PM here, and the local TV/news sites are not reporting anything unusual.

Another win for commie atheists!

  • This is the way the world ends
    Not with a banger but a Wimpy.*

Why would Indians get raptured? I thought it was only for Christians.

On the slight chance that you’re not whooshing us.

2.3% of the population… gee golly!

Which still amounts to 24 million people. I don’t think 24 million people is an insignificant number.

There are no fundie christians in India (the type who believes in rapture).

The angels showed up to Rapture the Christians, but the Hindu gods told them they were in violation of the Neutral Zone and vaporized them.