Here is my thread from two years ago on horror movies. Anyone have some suggestions? I’m interested this year in older movies, available on DVD. Last year I spent October watching the classic monster movies.
I hastily skimmed through your previous thread, so forgive me if I’m duplicating.
I favor movies that are spooky rather than gory. If that appeals to you, here are a couple:
The Innocents – a 1961 adaptation of Henry Miller’s The Turn of the Screw
The Uninvited – a 1944-ish, very atmospheric, spooky movie about a couple who moves into a long-abandoned house
I’m wracking my brain to come up with the title of a PBS series many years ago about a mysterious woman in a black dress who appeared just before disaster fell. It was really spine-tingling and good!
These are the type of movies I’m looking for. Anything a bit different.
If it’s the same one I’m thinking of, that’s a great horror movie! Appropriately enough, it’s title is The Woman in Black
Apparently there is a new release of the original Frankenstein on DVD.
What did you watch from last year’s thread?
For a bit different try
After Hours (dark comedy, very dark)
Not too hijack too much, but the wife is out of town this weekend, so it’s a good time to catch up on some horror/gore. Does anyone have favorites for some of the stuff that’s come out in the past year or so?
I’m a fan of Final Destimation 1&2 and I definitely plan on getting FD3 this weekend. I liked both Saw movies. I also liked “The Devils Rejects”. I didn’t care so much for “The Ring” or that one with the video tape.
Things I haven’t seen: Silent Hill, the recent Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Hostel, and other things of that ilk. I’m not going to get to see them all, so I’m wondering what people think the best choices there are.
I liked Silent Hill (having no experience with the video games), and the last TCM (the very latest is being released this month). Haven’t seen Hostel.
The recent The Hills Have Eyes was OK. The character depth of the “Victim Family” was better, BUT the “Villian Family” had greater depth in the original, so I give the original a better rating.
*The Toolbox Murders *was pretty good. Plenty gory and it’s by Tobe Hooper.
Opps, I should specify in case you get confused. The original Toolbox was by Dennis Donnelly of A-Team fame apparently, so go for the modern version by Hooper.
I started avoiding “horror” movies when they turned into slasher flicks. Maybe I’m missing some good stuff, but I’ll risk it.
The best creepy movie I’ve seen in a long time is The Devil’s Backbone by Guillermo del Toro. Nice little ghost story, with just one scene that made me sick, and that scene didn’t involve anything supernatural or gory. It was when Jacinto killed his girlfriend.
Well, I recently acquired two films reputed to be about the goriest and most disturbing things to come down the pike this century: August Underground and August Underground’s Mordum. Actually, only Mordum has arrived, but I won the eBay auction for the original just a couple hours ago, so it should be here in time for Halloween. And I’ve been too busy to watch Mordum yet, so I can’t say if its reputation is deserved. Both films are simulated snuff, purporting to be the videotaped activities of serial killers on their escapades.
A few more purchases that haven’t arrived yet: Murder Set Pieces, Street Trash, Return of the Aliens: The Deadly Spawn. Note that all of these are for major gorehounds only; probably shouldn’t watch 'em on a first date. Then again, who knows, I’ve never met your dates, they may love 'em.
I also got a great deal on the Guinea Pig box set recently, and watched the Flower of Flesh and Blood chapter in the series. Frankly, I was disappointed. But, who knows, if you’re a pure gore fan, I suppose it’s a must-see just for its reputation. Maybe The Devil’s Experiment or Mermaid in a Manhole will be better.
Hostel was pretty decent. Takes a little bit to get going. I saw it in the theater, so if the DVD version is a “director’s cut,” it may be a little harsher than what I saw. Still, I did see a thing or two I didn’t expect in a major release. The recent TCM was okay, but watch it in the dark to get anything out of it.
If you haven’t seen the Dawn of the Dead remake from a couple years back, I’d recommend it, if you can put aside fond memories of the original and take it on its own merits. Some great moments, such as the bit at the beginning when our heroine is driving through all the madness. The widespread mayhem as seen from above is impressive.
I think Polanski’s Fearless Vampire Killers is perfect- funny, creepy, great sets and atmosphere, etc.