It seems I quit my job just in time-or Kmart is closing

Apparently, six Kmarts in my area are closing-one of them being the one I worked at.

Shit. I would have been without work anyways.
Now I don’t feel QUITE so bad.

Don’t feel bad anyway. You did the right thing by leaving. That place was a hellhole.

On a vaguely related note, I just rescinded my resignation to my current job. I am not happy about not quitting—the stress and bullshit was not worth the money, and I was really looking forward to getting out of there. The backbiting two-faced employees made it a “hostile working environment”.

But something came up that was beyond my control. An “incident” (I won’t go into details) happened, and while my employers have cleared me of blame and don’t think I am responsible for any wrongdoing, an “outside party” is making a stink. I was advised that it was in my best interest to stay employed until this “incident” is resolved. (Which may take a while.) I SO want to leave, I was SO looking forward to leaving, you have no idea. But at least my employers (as far as I am aware) are behind me. (And they should be! I did nothing wrong!)

So, don’t feel bad. You left a hellhole. I envy you your clean break.

I am staying in a hellhole, and I am not happy about it. Well, it might get better, who knows. I was also advised to request that some investigation be made into the “hostile working environment” that has been created by these certain backbiting, gossiping individuals. Who knows, maybe a few things will get shaken up and improve. (I am not holding my breath, but hey—one can hope.)

Obviously, Guin, you underestimated your own value to the company. You leave, six of the stores go under. Coincidence? I think not.

What phouka said.

Guinastasia’s skill was well tested. Shortly after she left the Kmart, six stores in the area folded. A year after she quit her waitressing job, the restaurant was destroyed in an accident and the owner went on the lam. A week after she decided not to renew her column, the newspaper folded.

With a smile, Guin raised her hand and swore the oath making her a soldier in the United States Army.

This fictional average person described in a 55-word story would be happy about the future disbandment of the US Armed Forces why, exactly? “Hello terrorists, a defenceless homeland! Come and get it… prime real estate in Marlboro Country”. What?

Um, j_kat_251, I think you may be reading way more into the story than intended.

I’ve read that story, a long time ago, and I suspect it was written in the days where the Army was a prime target for such sentiment. If I were the author today, I’d have her signing her offer letter from Microsoft, or some such.

Ah, you found me out!

I didn’t feel so bad about quitting Kmart, per se-just about not having a job lined up first.