It's 12:30 and I just realized...

I’ve been wearing my sweater inside-out all day. :smack: :smack: :smack: :smack:

Why does no one tell me these things?

In my defense…

no, there is no defense. Yes, the tag is gone, but there is a design on one side. GAH!

I did that once. Except I returned to a party after a rendezvous with a guy in a back room. I coulda died.

I’m sorry, but …


(And yes, I checked my own shirt before I laughed.)

Hey, it could be worse…

I once forgot to put my bra on. Fortunately, I realized what was going on before I actually reached my destination, but sheesh. I, at least, was able to go back home and remedy the situation.

One might think this isn’t a big deal, but you see, nature was very kind to me and it’s really obvious when I’m not wearing a bra.

In my case it was the guy who got his shirt on backwards. But all of our friends still laughed at both of us. :smack:

And you’re admitting this… why, mika? :stuck_out_tongue:

Because she knew that I did this yesterday, but would never admit it unless she did first.

I had a rugby shirt on inside-out yesterday, and didn’t know until 4 pm when someone noticed it. By this time, I’d worked half a day, and then spent an hour at an afternoon HS basketball game.

You know, this is when the smart person decides that they’re starting a new trend. nods

So, Taters…it should really be Tatas? (Contemplates the use of the phrase “but not our Tatas” in the next MMP…)

I’m admitting it because no one at work noticed, so I’m not admitting it to them, but I want to be publicly chastized, anyway. :smiley:

jayjay, I see your point, but “Mashed Tatas” just does *not * sound good.

Unless it’s a mammogram.

And Drae, didja check your underwear, too? Wearing those properly for sure?

Fortunately, I discovered before leaving the house today (after not finding a hole where I expected one to be) that I had my underwear on backward.

So that would be your “Y-back Machine”?

You have a video camera in my house, don’t you? Because I managed to put my underwear on inside out not once but twice while trying to get dressed this morning.

One would think that I’d notice the big picture of Cookie Monster shouldn’t be on the inside.

That’s mildly disturbing…

o/` “C” is for…um…whoa…

Cookie Monster panties? I’m envious.

And of course I have a video camera. I watch you. I *always * watch you. It’s to keep you safe you know…

cue eerie music

Target has Cookie Monster, Tinkerbell, and Oscar the Grouch. Or at least, they used to. :slight_smile:

Yeah, I’m a grownup.

And maybe you can play back the tapes, Mika, and let me know exactly where I put my reading glasses? I can’t find 'em anywhere.

Oh come on, if you can’t wear cartoon characters on your underwear, what’s the world coming to?

Just ask Spidey, and Batman, and the smiley face guy.

And Buzz Lightyear. Almost forgot him.

That’s supposed to bring good luck. One version is that you should make a wish before putting them back on the right way.

Is the Flashdance look back again?


I have cartoon character socks, but could never find cartoon character undies. Maybe because I buy mine at BJ’s Wholesale Club! I’m goin’ to Target.

And I’m nominatively a grownup. Mainly because I can use three dollar words like nominatively.

One time I woke up 2 hours late for a class on a day I had to turn in something important. After rushing over to turn it in, I went to the bathroom and realized I had my shirt on backwards. It had a V-neck and a stripe on the front too, so it wasn’t something that could almost pass backwards.