It's A Grand Old Hillary

That’s how I know she’s tough; she murdered all those people!

No, that was Bill. Hillary only killed Vince Foster.

Yes, but they are America’s most infamous Murder Couple. I remember Hillary wandering, wild-eyed, through the White House in the black black night: “All the perfumes of Arabia will not cleanse the blood from this little hand!”

So how exactly did the OP think this little rant was going to go?

OP: Hillary BAD!
Dope: Oooh. You have finally convinced me to vote against my interests. You big, strong, thing, you!

I fervently hope so. When the President selected Judd Gregg as I believe, his first cabinet appointment, I was very disappointed. When he was slapped in the face for it by Gregg, I was disgusted. I was pretty shocked when he continued to hold out his hand, and continued to get it bitten.

No, no, Vince is just the only one she killed with her bare hands – a point on which Bill still far exceeds her, but she’s working hard to even the score, as well she should.

I am not sure there is a need, and there is definetly a risk. Obama was not a one term president, turns out, and leaders of this crop of GOP primary candidates means old order no longer pulls the strings.

There is also the irony of the Super PACs. Republicans wanted them because they knew it would help business-darling candidates, but the problem is Super PACs don’t need good optics, they don’t have to coddle to a party’s platform. They are lobbying writ large and that doesn’t sell so well condensed into one human being.

I’ve got family members like the OP, that hate Hilary. When asked why, you find out it’s more of a visceral thing. I’ve sometimes asked for specifics, and they falter.

But now I can help them out with that “She’s against flag-burning!” thing. Thanks, Claverhouse

Face facts. The people that hate Hillary Clinton on a visceral level hate flag burning as well. Obviously, they’re not going to support Clinton over her supposed solidarity with them on this issue.

This is just a clumsy attempt to sway liberals by people who have no idea who liberals actually are. But the imaginary liberals in their mind all hate America and love to burn flags. Tell them their heroine doesn’t want to burn flags and these imaginary liberals will recoil in horror.

Next week’s revelation: Hillary Clinton is a devout Methodist who attends weekly services. Won’t that shock the atheists, Muslims, and satanists who make up her base!

It’s almost like…Hillary Clinton is not even a liberal!

Not sure I approve of references to Macbeth on a “family” type Board. Too much Saxon violence.

Is she a conservative Republican? Because everyone else is a liberal.

Macbeth was no Sassenach: the Scottish play is full of Celtic violence.

Note: the OP is not a Republican.

Nor is he a Democrat, for that matter. In fact, I’m pretty sure that wants no association whatsoever with the terms “Democratic” or “Republic”

You will have to forgive us, exasperation at Clinton’s inability to pass flag legislation smells of desperate straw grasping whatever his political affiliation.

Bernie supporters are fully capable of this stuff too. And I say that as a Bernie supporter.

Based on his past postings, his contempt for Clinton has nothing to do with her policies. It’s solely due to her being (a) an American and (b) a willing participant in the democratic process, which are two things he despises.

But, that applies to all the candidates; why single out Hillary?

No idea.

I dunno, Obama was an absolute master of starting at the Republican position of just a few years ago and then giving up even more. Hilary might turn out to be “better” at that, but it’s an extremely low bar to wriggle under.

One might need to be careful what one wishes for.

In a new CNN/ORC poll,