It's A Rainy Night/Morning in Georgia... The MMP

Thanks for the info on field peas rebo and swampy. I like legumes in general, but have never run across what you are describing. I may have to look into these, do they cook up well with ham hocks?

So Charlie is living in the garage at mooooom’s home? Hmmm, wonder how long until s/he/it is moved in all properly? :smiley:

Bumba I am a bit more familiar with your online presence that you probably are of mine. I understand crocus and other bulbs, and snow this time of year is spring snow in my mind, but you probably need the info that I lived in Alaska for the last 22 years. I used to fret about my bulbs that would work their way through the frozen earth in February due to day length. We still had at least two more months of snow and ice, but I always had a fabulous bulb garden with tulips lasting through July! Your soap business intrigues me, I love homemade soaps! :slight_smile:

I have a new hottie dentist and spent a good chunk of the day having x-rays and then he did his diagnostic tap/scrape of each tooth. Tomorrow I go in for a cleaning. Then we move on to fillings and other exciting dental details. It helps that he is funny, as is his hygienist.

I have to get to bed in order to get up in time to purtify before going to the dentist, so rosie’s sig to everyone else as I work at easing my way back into the MMP.

sends diverse get-well vibes, with an extra-special order for picu
I’m trying to decide whether I’ve got the eerks, the blaarghs or the grrrs. Right now, my team has two people here in Seville and four in Madrid; we’re working for a factory in Bilbao (so, from end to end of the country, with a stop smack in the middle). This is a multinational which does business in more than 70 countries, there was some internal news just last week about a new big contract in CairoCarol’s neighborhood. But my boss is one of those guys who “need to see you”: asking him anything over the mail always produces the answer “we’ll talk about it [next time we meet]”. Yesterday two of the Madrid people were here; today and tomorrow we get the other two as well and we’ll be on meetings all day.

What’s got me between :confused: and :mad: is that the wife of one of them is in the hospital (I don’t know the details but it can’t be anything fun) - and he’s doing the full commute down here every one of the three days! If he was my subordinate, I wouldn’t even have allowed him to do that, much less requested or ordered him to do it. He’s tired, he’s nervous, he’s cranky, and how the heck should he be… and add 6h in the train every day, just because the boss needs to see people’s faces? :frowning: It’s. So. Stupid!

Good Mornin’ Y’all! Up and caffienatin’. YAWN It’s cloudy but warmish out as in 52 degrees Amurrkin. Don’t know what to make of weather like this.

picu yikes! Prayers and good thoughts headed out re the MRI.

Nava stoopid on the order of the magnitude of your boss’s stoopid is just well… stoopid! :smiley:

Germy glad Andy came through the knee surgery ok, poor thing.

Yay for new digs and young muscle to help with the move BBBobbio.

Ok, need more caffiene post haste and rumbly tummy wants to be fed. Then purtification for irk must commence.

Happy Tuesday Y’all!

ETA: wiki indeed, field peas and ham hock go well together.

Blurf. Did not sleep well last night; may resort to chemically enhanced sleepage tonight.

We had ice last night, but it was just enough to glaze the car windows and piss you off. Twern’t slick at all in Navytown.

Good morning all! Up and caffeination in progress this morning. I’m running a bit late this morning but am going in, freezing rain and all. Heh.

Good thoughts going out to you, Picu on the MRI.

Have to laugh about the nicknames BBBBBobbio is already using for his new locale! Huzzah! And yes, Pax River is indeed Navytown. :slight_smile:

My arthritis has been particularly painful recently. :frowning: And my legs have been aching too. So this morning I have on my light compression socks (that come up to my knees) and my daughter just rubbed some icy hot onto both knees. I’m hoping this will help some at least.

Happy Tuesday all - three more days until the weekend! :slight_smile:

Get well vibes to everyone who needs them

It’s a lovely day here, I could almost believe spring has arrived were it not for the fact that I know if I say that, winter will come back and bite. We have sun and much higher temperatures than the last few days so it is looking very nice outside.

I’m going to Fat Club tonight for the first time in 2 weeks, I am hoping to get back into my target range because last time I got weighed, I was half a pound over it and that is Not Good News.

My mum is off on holiday to Hong Kong and New Zealand at the end of next week, I am going to visit her on Sunday to help her sort out her packing as she’s got no idea what she wants to take with her. I’ve just told her to take half as many clothes and twice as much money!

Swampy, what is country fried steak? I’m intrigued…

Good gravy, that front marched in like a lion. Palm tree fronds out at 90 degrees and the temp dropped from near 70 to the 30s, all during the morning’s commute. It’s actually a pretty good day to be stuck in the office.

Let us know about the ringing, picunurse. You’ll find a lot of Tinnitus sympathizers around here.

Country fried steak is a piece of cheap beef, typically a cube steak, breaded like it was chicken, and pan-fried like fried chicken. Sometimes served with white flour gravy.

I don’t have anything witty to say about it; I’m not a fan of this particular item.


A recipe.

I am at irk.

Remember that Quality Manual I was supposed to finish reading? I have a marathon reading session today, because the sign-off is due tomorrow. :eek:

I just ate some chiplatey chocs. *

*When I was little, I used to ask for chiplatey choc cookies. :slight_smile:

We get ‘hangerburs’ around here. I’m going to be sad when Gnat grows out of saying it.

Trying to decide whether to take the kidlets for a walk. Big snowstorm tonight and tomorrow, so leaving will be hard, but right now it’s windchill of -18. Maybe for a short walk. I might regret this a lot.

Hi guys! Swampbear, that sounds delicious. Something to think about when the snow / ice gets crazy; cooking.

I got a phone call the other day; a wrong number message on my machine from a lady named ‘Betty’. I swear she sounded Exactly like Winona Ryder. She was trying to reach a guy named Bob who had said he wanted to lease dumpsters from her company. Now, I felt bad about this; for all she knew, she was expecting a call back from Bob and her commissions for the week might have been dependent on making that sale. So, I called her back and explained, really politely, that either she might have mis-dialed or have gotten the wrong number.
I told her I didn’t want her to miss the sale & wished her luck as I ended the call and deleted the message.

And after I did that, it was like a little devil appeared on my shoulder to tell me that I missed a golden opportunity for Absolute Villainy! I mean, I could have said I was Brian’s personal assistant and ordered those dumpsters placed anywhere!

[Cheesy Barry White Impression]
You know baby…that dumpster you got…it seems to be what I’ve been lookin for…
An You Know Baby… that junk I got…it just needs to be carted away now…
An you know Baby, all this business that we share, Don’t Pretend now…
As you cart it away don’t you pretend… Don’t pretend that you … That you just don’t care…
[/Cheesy Barry White Impression]
“Who the Hell ordered a Dumpster to the Executive Parking Lot…!?” :wink: :smiley:

About the only one I remember was that VunderKind was a big fan of eating ‘brefkist’. Oh, and he wanted to go to ‘Fred Lobster’ for cheese biscuits and crab legs. He had a vocabulary of about 100 Bobbyisms, but I recall just those in my old age.

At the same age, I called those things on the car that swept the water off the front window ‘windmill shwipers’.

I dispise the husband’s laptop. Another post into the void. I curse my computer for taking a dirt nap.

I miss the requests for “Aminal Quackers.” That and playing a tune on the “Panano.” She does though still have a thick Boston accent, this despite the fact she’s never been east of the Mississippi.

Good thoughts headed your way, picu.

Well, that doesn’t sound like a fun day, Rebo.

Sorry about the extra pain, tarra. :frowning:

Heh, cute kidlet-isms. The only ones I really remember are the ones we inherited from my youngest uncle. And they’re in Spanish. We were told that he used to say pebétoro instead of periódico (newspaper) and murciégalo instead of murciélago (bat; the animal, not the stick). So we’d use these interchangeably to amuse our relatives. We also invented our own fake cussword. It’s eluding me right now, of course.

It’s icy here as well. We’ve only got maybe 1/4 inch of ice, but it’s everywhere. Pretty much all the schools are closed. At least they didn’t close work (I would have had to use my vacation day anyway since I was already scheduled off). :slight_smile: I’m really quite happy to be stuck at home today.

I have discovered that I’ve forgotten all the biology I ever knew. Nephew got a not-very-well-written assignment yesterday wherein he was supposed to compare the structure of amoebas, paramecia and trypanosoma (“Tri-who?” I asked, not out loud). Brother was stumped, too. He sent an e-mail to nephew’s teacher, who basically said she’d talk to nephew and she knew he was really conscientious, but he’d still be missing something for homework if he didn’t have an answer. It’s a snow day today, so I’ve investigated and found out more about these types of protozoa that I ever really wanted to know. It doesn’t sound like they really got a lot of background info for this assignment in class, but it could be that nephew wasn’t really paying attention. Still, they don’t have a book or website that has enough information to get to the answer. So, I spent about an hour this morning looking around and now have some sites for nephew to go to (and some hints so that he’s actually doing the research the next time). We’ll be spending some quality time on the internet together over the the next weekend he’s here, I can assure you.

Now it’s off to declutter further, as I’m not going outside any time soon.

Happy Tuesday, all!


By the way, I just summarized the field peas and country-fried steak discussion over on the blog. And added a new tag: Southern Cooking.


We had the typical “pasketti.” I miss that.

Run-through hugs for all, and extra prayers for picu.

I don’t have anything to say either and I love the darn stuff - breakfast, lunch or dinner. Bread and fry anything, even gopher and I’ll eat it.

Sunshine-y morning everyone! It is 32° right now, but it is supposed to get up to 46°, woo hoo! I know this won’t last, but man is it ever being a mild winter for my kids and I. I do not miss Kodiak, not at all!

My #1 daughter used to ask for “hamamers and fry-frys”, #3 daughter used to ask for “a peanut butter and jelly and sandwich”. I miss those days.

Off to get presentable for the dentist, yee and haw.