It's late October. What new shows are you still watching?

I tried Reunion. I gave up after two episodes.
I tried Bones. I gave up after an episode and a bit.
I tried How I Met your Mother. Meh, it doesn’t do much for me.
I even tried five minutes of Close to Home in the continued search for shows including actors who used to work for Joss Whedon.

I gave up.

I *did * like Criminal Intent with Chris Noth.

Other than, it’s Lost and *Amazing Race * for me.

I forgot about Close To Home. I’ve been watching it, but only out of sheer laziness, since it’s on right after TAR. It’s okay, but I’m always one step ahead of Annabeth (is that her name?) in figuring out the crime or in deciding how she’s going to prosecute someone. I think I’ve watched too much L&O. :smiley:
I can see it being cancelled soon, anyway.