It's Monday Somewhere: a very early MMP

I thought jail cells had fairly low ceilings

So the husband came home and was all rational and understanding when I was angry and I was shocked into not being mad anymore. Damn him. :stuck_out_tongue:

Smart man. Maybe you should keep him?

Men can be such brats that way, ruining a perfectly good foul mood. :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s payback for all the times we get slapped around for something we do to you in YOUR dreams.

Why is some part of my alleged brain insisting today is Sunday?

Because it has been for the last 24 minutes.

Not in my time zone. :smiley:

Seriously, been having this problem all day.

That was the worst hour in a really long time. After I last posted, I closed down the 'puter, got up, gave the cat her treats, turned out the kitchen light, and headed to the loo. I tripped over my stoopit feet and landed stomach down on the floor. 20 minutes later, I managed butt walk close enough to reach and pull the call cord. 10 minutes later the super showed up, and helped me call 911. 10 minutes after that, 2 strong cops showed up. 15 minutes worth of attempts to get me up, we managed to move the mattress off and I was sitting on the box spring. They called in more guys. 5 minutes later 4 more cops showed up. FINALLY they helped me to stand, hung around to make sure I was okay and put my bed back together. The muscles in my upper arms are sore and shaky. My hands are shaky, too.
Nothing’s broken or dislocated. No major bruises. Just my arms are paying the price for all the pulling the big strong cops did to get me on my feet.
I need hugs. :frowning:


'cept I won’t do Soft Kitty "cuz I can’t sing worth a damn.


I’ll sing Soft Kitty, since I’m manly and shit.:stuck_out_tongue:

rosie, it’s not the fall, it’s the sudden stop that gets ya.

And, of course all the foolishness of getting back up…

Thanks, because injured and drugged is a kind of sick.

and OY did I feel the fool.
Too achy to sleep in spite of having taken a vicoden and a muscle relaxant. :frowning:

Dang, rosie!! :eek: You don’t have to do dramatical stuff to get our attention!! Be careful, dammit, and feel better!

Higglette let me sleep in till 6. I decided to be nice and let my sweetie stay abed, so I got up and tended to the dog. This is the same dog who figured out how to escape the yard yesterday, so she’s on The List. :mad:

Poor Ziva is limping around, favoring her left front paw. When I was able to pick her up and handle the paw, she didn’t react with any pain, so I’m not sure what the problem is. Apart from walking funny, she’s getting around just fine - leaping on and off of furniture, running away from Higgs, the usual stuff. If it goes on into the middle of the week, I’ll get her to the vet.

Today will be Tax Day - since we’ve gotten all the necessary documents, I’ll pull up TaxAct and figure out the bad news. Or good news, as the case may be. Either way, it’ll be done today and we’ll either be waiting for a refund or putting off paying till the last second.

Meanwhile, I think I need some caffeine. Happy Sunday!

Ouch, (((((rosie))))), saw your sorry tale on FB. That’s one hell of a performance just to get some big strong blokes in the house!

Yesterday was a productive day, today will largely be a day of slothfulness to make up for it. I got up late, am contemplating doing some ironing and at some point I have to do workout 10 of the insane exercise dvd.

I made burgers yesterday for dinner and have two left in the fridge so they will be for lunch, and tonight there will be slow-roasted brisket for dinner. Not sure what to have with it yet, I’ve got plenty of veggies so I might just do some of those.

For now, it must be time for more tea.

So Apes is no longer mad at Mr. Ape but may still be in a murderous mood annnndddd she already has the tarp, duct tape, shovel, & an axe purchased in different stores. Anyone requesting her to make a road trip?

In other VERY IMPORTANT NEWS, a shadow was seen this morning; six more weeks of winter.

Good Mornin’ Y’all! Up and caffienatin’. YAWN 'Tis 54 Amurrkin out and foggy with a predicted high of 76, cloudy and maybe rain. Who knows.

{{{Rosie}}}. Hope you’re not too sore this mornin’! How 'bout if Sheldon sings Soft Kitty? :smiley:

So today is the big eats bd celebration N.O.L. for MOG. This shall occur after deheathenization. The all important celebratory Bloody Mary’s are at the ready as is the food. All I have to do is warm stuff up and bake the rolls.

It’s Ground Hawg day. Y’all had sausage yet? We’ve already had brekkie. Sausage, scrambled aigs, grits and toast. No shadows will be seen here. In a mere six weeks Winter will be over just like always. Actually I believe we are about two weeks away from the beginnin’ of the annual pine tree orgy.

Since I’m already brekkied and caffienated, I shall go purtify for deheathenization.

Happy Sunday/Groundhog Day/National Sausage Day/Super Bowl Day Y’all!


It is Groundhog’s Day! Cool

Happy Sunday!

It’s a nice 35 degrees out with a projected high of 53. It’s an open the window and let some air into the room day.

Did I post this already, I thought I had but I’ve been having so many puter problems and I don’t see it.

House hunting was a bust.
One house was nice… ir you don’t mind living next door to a bar, that has karaoke every Thorsday night.
Another one was nice if you weigh under 100 pounds. I have never seen such narrow staircases and hallways. I don’t know how you’d get any furniture into it.

Swampy having an orgy with pine trees sounds a bit painful to me, but to each his own.

Sticky Congrats on job and your pup coming home.

{{{Rosie}}} ouchie, scary and painful.
FCM I used TaxAct and I think there is something wrong with the Maryland part of it. It says my refund is $0, and it says I owe $0. I think it is wrong. Let me know if your looks right and I’ll trust that it truly is $0.