It's my birthday and I had the greatest day.

I love my friends. Everyone made me feel special today and it seems that for once there wasn’t too much mention and not too little mention of the fact that it was my birthday. I’m especially glad I have a friend like Jessie [not on the boards] who is so enthusiastic about everything. It was probably the best birthday I’ve had and certainly the happiest and gladly the most boring day I’ve had in months. Trust me, with the friends I have, a boring day is to be treasured because they rarely are there sometimes. My life is going to places I want it to go, and it’s mine again. Iampunha also mentioned to me that I’m now officially legal. Funny, that didn’t even occur to me. :smiley:

aww i’m glad you had a great day~!
Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday to Tasha!
Happy Birthday to you!!

<throws confetti in the air>

man, I didn’t even think about the fact I could have given you birthday punches today…darn…

Boring days rule!!
So do Emmy’s brownies…

Love ya…:slight_smile: Lauren

Oh well, if you want you can punch me tomorrow. I really don’t mind.

(as heard in* Never Been Kissed:*)
“They’ve got vitamins A, B, T-H and C.”
Now imagine Ems’ brownies if they were “special brownies”… MMMMMMMMM, ::starts into a giggle fit::

Happy Birthday, Tasha! Glad to see you had a good one. Unfortunately, you being legal while I’m not ruins half the fun, but just you wait until November… :wink:

:smiley: Haha. :smiley:

I wonder…

What do you want for a gift?

Happy birthday Tash!! It’s wonderful that you had a great day surrounded by friends. You’re really starting to get on now aren’t you? :wink:

hugs and chocolates going shadow’s way

1994: Claire Gilbert born, Figure skater Nancy Kerrigan is physically assaulted in an attempt to eliminate her from competing in the 1994 Winter Olympics- a rival,Tonya Harding, later prosecuted for the attack, Paula Jones files a sexual harassment suit against Bill Clinton, The Buffalo Bills lose their fourth consecutive Superbowl, the OJ Simpson fiasco starts, Colombian soccer player Andres Escobar was shot to death days after scoring an own goal in the World Cup (won by Brazil), California passed it’s 3rd strike law

HBD, skugs.

Got my mailing address? :wink:

Happy Birthday! I am so sorry I wasn’t there today, but I guess that’s part of the reason why it was such a good day. I love you, and I’m really glad we talked tonight.


I’m glad you had a good one!

Happy B-day Tasha.

You’re legal, eh? When’s the next SoFla Dopefest? :slight_smile:

Happy Birthday, ssskuggiii!

I’m very glad you enjoyed it! I know what you mean about boring days…they sure can be fun.

(Pssst…I still don’t know what a “a lobster with brass ears” is.)


Happy birthday, Tasha!!!

Happy Birthday, ** ssskuggiii!**

I am so glad it was memorable!


Thanks Jess. I needed to talk too.

Ludo, how about me getting laid for a birthday present? It seems to be the only thing I want that I can have at the moment, but I’m a bit too lazy to go looking for it right now.

DPR, I’m doing pretty well, actually.

St. Atilla, why don’t you email me your AIM name instead?

Montfort, you’ve got Anniz. I am a fairly monogamous person, and hope that people treat me as they’d like to be treated. Right now I don’t think I’d take you on your offer. Death has been hitting on me lately, and he’s twice my age for all practical purposes.

Cajun Man, uhm, when did I mention a lobster with brass ears? Ahhhh, the oddity of no remembrance.

Everyone else, Virgil Edgar Riboflavin III thanks you.

Damn, ssskuggiii, you called my bluff. If my wife found out I was chatting online with some sexy babe, she’d have my balls. Or… actually, as she’s already got them, she’d do something nasty with them.

Nastier, I mean.

A man-whore with a . . .

Paddy, you bastard! I love you, but that was just plain rude. Well, unless you’ll agree to be my man-whore.