It's my birthday today, can I get my charter back at discount?

C’mon, I’ve been around since 19-freakin-99…and everyone KNOWS “The Troubles” that have made $30 too painful for a somewhat frivolous purchase like this…

If I can’t get a discount, can I pay $10 a month for 3 months?

I can prove it’s my b-day. I’ll send you my license…

Happy Birthday

I’ll place a reference in the Subscription Help thread.

I hope you have a very happy birthday.

Oh! I had no idea that was there… thank you! I hope someone who cares sees it in the next 48 hours.

Hell, I’ll even take a birthday LOAN… buy it for me now and I’ll pay ya back!

Anyone as notorious as I am oughta have my charter membership, even if you think I suck. I know, I can have a custom title under my name: Official SMDB Chigger

So is it magic, or faeries?

Who do I thank?


Robin Hood. Steals 'em, then gives 'em out.

Oh dear… does that mean I’m in receipt of stolen goods???

Happy day-late birthday!