Today we had a meeting at work, a software company where I do support. Well, actually I was at home because it is my day off and I had to call in for the meeting. Anyway, part of the meeting was about our customers and how some of them are getting upset because their cases are not being resolved in a timely mannor.
The company is fairly small. Usually 3 to 5 support people on shift at a time. We have three shifts, A is the morning shift, B is swing and C is overnight. Since last December we have lost 7 people from support. For every 3.5 people who have left one has been brought in as a replacement (In other words we got 2 new people). The shift I work, the B shift has lost 4 people. The B shift has not recieved any replacements.
Now to the rant.
The B shift is getting absoluely killed. We have been short on people since December. On Thursdays and Fridays the B shift has two people on shift, me and someone else. Last Friday I picked up 23 cases (we used to have 4 people on that shift, we now have 2). Each case takes roughly a half hour. Sometimes more. Sometimes a lot more*. Even if all the cases took 30 minutes that is still 11.5 hours worth of work. I work 8 hours a shift. So I get cases that I do not fix because I don’t have the time. They get backlogged and they get backlogged in my name. Once you take a case you own it until the case is resolved. Due to this I have 115 backlogged cases.
Today I found out that they are not going to hire any more people for my shift. They are also not going to reschedule anyone for our shift. They are not going to hire anyone. Instead what is going to happen is each person is going to be assigned a property. Once assigned a property we are to follow up every backlogged case for that property. We are supposed to call the person listed on the case and resolve the issue. This is supposed to solve our backlog problem. This is the third meeting we have had about the backlog problem, the third solution offered by management and it is the third idea that isn’t going to work.
It isn’t going to work because WE DON’T HAVE ENOUGH PEOPLE! Reshuffling the cases is not going to make up for the LACK OF PEOPLE!
No matter how you move the cases around it ain’t gonna do a fucking thing because the root of the problem is that we have too much work and not enough people.
I felt like screaming ‘YOU NEED TO HIRE PEOPLE YOU FUCKTARDS!’ into the phone during the meeting today but I was able to restrain myself.
Tonight I am polishing up my resume.
It’s a bummer because I liked the company until they decided that we have enough people even though it is obvious to every non-mangement person in the company** that we despreately need more people.
*I had a down property, they couldn’t do anything, that took 5 hours to fix. This doesn’t happen often, about once a month, but when it does happen we don’t have enough people to handle the rest of the cases. Down properties usually take an hour to an hour and a half. When a property goes down it is an emergency. It HAS to be fixed.
**The receptionist wrote an email to the VP the other day stating that the B shift badly needs people. The RECEPTIONIST!