Actually, the words the doctor used, in mildly breathless tones, were “abnormally large.”
As anyone that has slept with me would attest, (Kyla, Nymysys, Superdude, Dyno, Snoooopy, the Xploder family*,) and magdalene and Silo will find out next month, I’m mighty noticeable in bed. Turns out, there is a medical reason for this.
I’ve got a big ol’pair…of tonsils. Yup, the biggest pair the doctor said he’d ever seen in someone not currently suffering from tonsillitis or strep. Not only are they big, but they are different sized. I asked if they could be a factor in my obstructive sleep apnea and he said “without a doubt.” Go figure.
So, after suffering through at least 3 bouts of strep-throat a year for the last five or six years, I’m finally going to get my tonsils taken out. Good news/bad news, I suppose, as this is pretty serious and painful surgery for adults and I’ll be off work for at least 5 days, but it should help my breathing and stop the cases of strep (woo!) Since they are different sizes, they are going to do a biopsy, just to cover the bases.
I could have had the surgery scheduled for the end of this month, but I’ve got relatives coming over from Holland so that was out. Any time in October is out, since I’ve got DopeFest after DopeFest planned so I’ll be going under the knife the first week of November, actually on the 1[sup]st[/sup], IIRC.
Anyone wanna take care of me for a week? (All the ice cream you can eat and my eternal gratitude included!)
*: [sub]Okay, all those people slept in the same room with me at one time or another, but it helped the intended humor. At least I though it did, so there.[/sub]