It's Official: Jean Luc Picard is back!!

“Darkness” doesn’t bother me. In fact, I found it quite refreshing. It was numerous other aspects of the show that disappointed me.

Boy I completely missed that thread. Heck, I even got ninja’ed on the ‘make it so’ reference. Maybe a mod should merge the two threads

Merged duplicate threads.

I just hope Disney doesnt get ahold of Trek and ruin it like they did Star Wars.

Huh? The three worst SW films* are Epi 1, 2, 3, before Disney.

  • and I honestly dont think they are* terrible*, but disappointing to many.

And honestly the last two ST films, the last ST TV show and the current one- are all pretty much “ruined”.

Hopefully he won’t die before CBS gets around to actually make the show.

I watch DISCOVERY and while it was so so, it takes so long before new “seasons” show up I completely lost interest and will likely not watch it.

We are AARP. You will be assimilated.

I want to see evidence that someone involved with ST knows what made the show great before I fork out any money.

There’s quite a few nasty ageist comments here.

All in good humor. :smiley:

More good news. A rep from CBS said their goal is to have a new Trek show running on all access year round. Including limited series and mini series. This could be awesome! Trek Anthology shows!

Some Info here.

Star Trek: Everyone Else Looks Like Shit and I Haven’t Aged a Day!

Hopefully Bergama (Berman and Braga) get to add in some time travel reset button aspects to the new stuff. Maybe also kill off a couple of the more popular characters and bring Wesley back! :dubious:


Some phaser cutting phasers would be a welcome addition, too.


Star Trek XVIII: The Voyage To The Home.

Star Trek: Depends

These are the ongoing voyages of the Starship Enterprise - its been what, 60 years now? I remember when we used to listen to our admirals… Cadets today just don’t have the ethics they taught us at the acadamy, always looking for the easy way. Computer: Tea, Covfefe.

It’s a human thing called humour, you should try it sometime.

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There’s a lot of jokes out there about shiftless black people, cheap jews, dumb polish and inscrutable asians. We dont tell those here, either.

The difference being, age is a thing that happens to all of us. Which makes it okay to joke about.

Yeah, it’s okay because it’s not ‘punching down.’

It’s more like ‘punching into the future.’
or the present…

I’m more than 63 years old. I’ll make jokes about aging if I feel like it. If others don’t like it, that’s just too damned bad!