It's Pouring Rain in the MMP

G’morning all!
I’m up, mostly sheveled and half-caffeinated. We had an unusually hot day in SF yesterday. Starting out thus again today, but the cool front is supposed to come through about noon. Good news around here. I don’t mind the heat, but as they say: “Happy Wife, Happy Life!”

So not only is Maki back home and safe, they arrested the guy who took him. The police apparently got several anonymous tips (suggesting the dude couldn’t keep his mouth shut), and caught him driving a stolen vehicle. They took his phone and therein found a number of selfies with him and the lemur. This guy is not exactly a master criminal. He faces up to a year in prison; maybe he deserves that and maybe not, but I do hope he gets more than a slap on the wrist.

dicey, in some ways, I’m glad that I don’t have to deal with as many negatives as I used to, but I still deal with a lot of printed pictures (I scrapbook). As far as the cards go, there are still folks out there who send them. My other sideline in the studio is hand made greeting cards and they sell rather well for most occasions (Christmas is the one time that they don’t. The people who still send Xmas cards are wanting a box of 20 for $5 and that doesn’t even buy one of mine).

Up, caffeinating, breakfasted, KP done, a load of towels in the dryer and a load of jeans in the wash. I even ordered groceries!

I was still pretty stoved up when I awoke, to the point where I used a hiking stick when I took Nelson out, so I made an executive decision to order grocery delivery. Unfortunately, my local Kroger doesn’t do delivery, only curbside pick up. That wouldn’t do me a lot of good, as I would then be challenged to schlep them ~150 feet to my door. I ordered from the Pubic Sto’ and spent a little more money than I usually do. I just got notification that Veronica S. has begun my shopping. :slight_smile:

The itchy throat and eyes are not quite as itchy right now, since I’m staying inside with a vaporizer running to loosen things up a bit. To borrow a quote from my granny, when I got up this morning, "I felt like I’d been shot at and missed and shit at and hit:. This getting old business isn’t for sissies.

Stay safe and healthy y’all!

Howdy Y’all! Home from funeralizin’. Actually been home for a bit but changed and et N.O.L. first. There were little ham bizkits, a snausage casserole, some kinda N.O.T. sump’n (good!) and strawberries all wrapped up on plates for folks to take and eat after the service. I grabbed one for OYKW (who didn’t go but watched the livestream) and myself. 'Twas nummy! Now I foresee nappage.

Yes. Yes it will.

I mowed yesterday. It can’t be my last mow of the year, I still have half a cn of gas left. :scream: See, with our old mower, a 2 gallon can of gas would be just enough to last the summer through. I suppose I can put it in the car.

#Raises hand# That would be me. Please don’t hate me. :cry:

no plans for today. I may go back to the grocery store and get eggs. They were 59cents a dozen with digital coupon. I’ve been trying to get a digital coupon on my phone and I’ll see if it worked. I suppose they have some (monetary) reason for all this digital stuff, but I just find it annoying.

Oh well, Sometimes I wonder and sometimes I just don’t know.
Happy Saturday!

When I woke up this morning, the combination of my body attacking itself via itch and 7 months of isolation had me feeling overwhelmed and defeated. Then I saw a social media post by an old friend whose teen-aged son was killed on this date 20 years ago. It was a lovely and loving post, and it got me over myself, not because her grief makes me feel guilty for my attitude but because she’s had the strength to live with the impossible for so many years. We humans have such an incredible capacity for living meaningful lives even when we’ve sustained unimaginable pain.

Thank you so much for this. Today is my last day on prednisone, so if the Doxepin makes me hungry, I probably won’t notice, since prednisone does the same thing. I don’t mind that it’s an antidepressant, too. It’s weird how many meds you wouldn’t think would act as antihistamines do. I take an OTC acid reducer (on a former doc’s recommendation) not because I have a stomach issue but because it functions as an antihistamine as well.

Swampy, sounds like you got through the funeral OK. Hopefully you won’t have to don the black suit again for many years.

Moooom, you must be about out of stuff to clean out/reorganize. Roxy will undoubtedly love her new room.

Wheelie, I’m glad they got the guy, and whatever the punishment, I hope he reforms.

When the itching settles down some, I’ll go for a walk. It’s not good to be shut up in the apartment all day, and I’m turning into a blob. :hushed:

Afternoon all. Soccer is complete for the day, the boys lost 2-3 on a literal last-second goal and the girls played two ‘mini-games’ (part of a 3-team round robin) and tied the first 1-1 and won the second 1-0). So a pretty good morning. Up to 62F and lots of solar radiation, so feeling pretty good (as long as I don’t have to stand up…)

wheelie, glad they caught the miscreant. Most thieves are not that smart, IMHO, the smart ones we never see…

nellie, tis’ true, I know some people went through rough times and made it to the other side, which is why I’m convinced you (and other MMP’ers) will do the same.

FCM, you haven’t emptied the house yet???

Bumba, I’ve got a 2.5 gallon can, should be just about dry with two or three more mows, see how it works out.

Everyone else take care and now I need to try to walk and obtain some sustenance.

Just back from erranding with FCD. He wanted to get another shelf unit for his shop and a new blotter pad for his desk and a drawing pad for Roxy. We also ran into My Eye Dr and dropped off some of my old specs, and recycled some phones and a dead tablet at Best Buy. So that’s more crap out of the house.

I just finished sorting a big box o’ papers-n-stuff and I came across a couple of photos from '67 that are now on my FB page. If you want to be my friend and see them, just message me. Anyway, I’ve sorted the papers into piles and I’m about to stow them neatly. Go me! :smiley:

The crib will probably have to wait till tomorrow. We shall see if I have enough energy today.

Shorted, laundered, and lunched. time for a pre Beer O’clock nap
And from the Weird History email: Herbivorous Stegosaurus Took Out Carnivorous Allosaurus With A Thagomizer To The Groin

: imagines Mooooommmm!!! stroking her goatee and admiring her evil. :

Sari, the only treat trick Gordie knows are “pooping” and “I am a cute and starving puppy”

What about “curl up in the human’s lap or next to him on the bed for cuddles”?

He gets treats for pooping? Talk about coals to Newcastle.

Been a while since you toilet trained a toddler I take it?

A single bag of m & ms saved me no end of time and laundry.


Mailed off all the get-out-the-vote letters today. The guy at the post office said that he has carts full of them and that they’ll probably just slow things down even more. :roll_eyes:

Roasted some poblano peppers for tomorrow’s pork and peppers stew. The pork shoulder is thawing in the sink. I think it will be a winner. The recipe called for using Hatch peppers, but the ones we got are just too damned hot. I may throw a couple of them in, but that’s it.

Making pizza for dinner tonight. I made up a tomato sauce with garlic and fresh oregano. I’m thinking mushrooms and Italian sausage.

Ah, pizza. I just placed an online order with a generous $300 tip… :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

Just as I was running to get my phone, it started ringing - the pizza place called to confirm. WHEW!! She said that happens more often than you’d think. Corrected the charge to $3.00 and now my pulse has almost returned to normal.

We went to Daughter’s place to help her out, and discovered a weird problem. Maybe one of you with electrical knowledge can offer some insight. Most of their wall switches control half an outlet in the room - that is, the top plug is on the switch, and the bottom one is always on. But FCD took a voltmeter to one of them and discovered that when the switch was off, there was still about 75V at the top plug and 120V at the bottom all the time. And this was at 2 of their outlets - he didn’t bother checking the rest yet.

If it was just at one, I’d suspect a bad plug, but since it’s more than one, something else is going on. We didn’t stick around to do any more troubleshooting - that’s for another day. But any ideas would be appreciated.

Meanwhile, I’m going to chill and wait for pizza. We don’t usually eat this late - I foresee bedtime heartburn. Hope I’m wrong.

Several deliveries have arrived today, including one from the Jungle (don’t worry, @dogbutler, it was quite light). Taking a break from efforts to organize the second bedroom, which is primarily storage. We “affectionately” call it the Room of Doom. Embarrassing how short a burst I can do before having to rest and cool down a little (AC is set to 72). Currently letting my second batch of NSAIDS of the day do their thing.

**Mooom forget about a fresh turkey. We had one many TDays back and it had no flavor. It also never got fully done. We threw it away. Frozen Butterballs are the only way to go.

That generally indicates that there is either an unbalanced load, or that the house is inadequately grounded. With the power off, you’re likely getting voltage feedback through the neutral conductor. You’ll need an electrician to sort it out for you.

I got some much needed rest today. While I’m feeling a little better, I’m still sickly.

Ordered majical intertoob pizza for supper and had to talk the delivery driver in from the tower. I should have stopped at one piece, but I made it halfway through the second one. That’s not normal for me.

Me either. I usually have 3 :pizza: :pizza: :pizza:. :kissing_closed_eyes:


One of the things the inspection called out was that the neutral and ground were on the same strip in the circuit breaker box - sounds like that could be the problem. It will be addressed. Thanks!

Late supper has been ingested. Chillage ensues.

Gordie can’t jump. Which is probably a good thing, since a 60lbs. JRT would likely leave divots in the ceiling.

Sometimes you have to negotiate with the terrier-ists.

I eat half the thing.