Its time for Israel to launch Operation Susa

These other instances of contested land do not always involve million of refugees living as refugees for decades. These other instances of contested land has not resulted in the export of terrorism all over the world.

And in other cases we have in fact seen significantly more global disapporval (see south africa, or were the afrikaners also Jewish?). Criticism of something with a Jewish nexus is not necessarily anti-semitism, sometimes it just criticism of something that needs criticizing.

Yes, superior Jewish genetics and society makes Jewish success inevitable.

We let the American Indians vote.

Rather than assume racism perhaps an objective look at the facts would make this seem like less of a mystery.

To be fair if you can consider the Jews in Israel “not much” you should probably consider the palestinians in the West bank “not much” too so thye current state of affairs does not create much objection either.

Why do you keep doing this instead of arguing the substance of the arguments? You frequently pick up on some lack of knowledge in the person youa re arguing with and use taht as a pretext to dismiss them and their opinions entirely. Do you really need to know the intricacies of the tax code to have an opinion on taxes? If so then every debate on taxes would be more or less a dialogue between me and Rand Rover. Imagine if every third post from me ina tax thread was "I’m a tax lawyer, what makes you think you are qualified to have such a stron opinion on taxes if you don’t even understand how how taxation works? I suggest you read Ginsberg’s treatise on mergers and acquisitions, Garlock’s treatise on debt, Kramer on financial products and articles by Kleinbard and Peaslee before you embarass yourself further in this debate.

Were the Cypriate muslims colonialist or imperialist invaders? Perhaps he doesn’t have a lot of sympathy for them for that reason.

See, this is part of the problem I have with Zionism. Its GOTTA be where it is right now because of what? Some divine mandate? If the point is to have a Jewish nation in case history produces another Hitler, why does it have to be exactly where it is? Whats wrong with a country that just happens to have a lot of Jews in it? We don’t have to call it Israel, we can call it Florida.

Well to be fair, if they thought they could take and hold more, then Israel might be a bit larger right now.

While I realize that Sunni muslim is a lot closer to Shia muslim than Judaism, it seems to me that sometimes Sunnis and Shia do not get along. I don’t think Iran gives a shit about Israel except to the extent they can curry regional political influence by bashing on Israel.

When i criticize zionism, I am usually criticizing the all the shit that Israel does to maintain a Jewish majority in Israel.

You are merely saying I prefer the status quo. If the situation were reversed, and the neighboring states were all happy without an Israeli state and the Zionists would only be happy with an Israeli state in Palestine and we couldn’t make both sides happy, would you say "oh well we might as well make the neighboring states happy and leave Palestine alone or would you carve an Israeli state out of Palestine?

They have offered to recognize israel. You must know about the arab peace plan, I’ve mentioned it several times int he past. The fact that you don’t like it doesn’t mean the offer was never made.

No kidding. It gets unnecessarily insulting but the mods seem to think its ok.