I think The Tools * Mummy* has tucked him into bed for the night, just to keep him from making a complete fool of himself on the intraweb.
Hate to be a parent these days!!
I think The Tools * Mummy* has tucked him into bed for the night, just to keep him from making a complete fool of himself on the intraweb.
Hate to be a parent these days!!
I have a nice professional six figure a year job.
I’m looking forward to my kids getting out of college (12 years) and pouring coffee at Starbucks or working at Barnes and Noble or whatever until retirement.
I enjoyed retail when I did it.
There used to be a guy who was a fry cook in my company cafeteria. “Loser” job. He took his summers off to play tennis and drive his sports car. We called him the independently wealthy fry cook - because he was pretty much - he needed to put in enough hours over the year to get health insurance (which is expensive), but could afford to live off his wealth.
In an era where job security is a pipe dream and job satisfaction is at all time lows, I say hats off to anyone who is in a place where they’re happy, regardless of what productive, useful work they happen to do.
And a hearty get bent to anyone who would consider themselves better than someone who works in retail. Smug,* unearned* elitism is no virtue.
I worked in a bookstore (in a small, independent chain; there are about five stores in all) for a year and a half after graduating from college. It was pretty enjoyable, as jobs go, and I got a 40% discount on books, but it wasn’t my life’s work.
OTOH, one of my coworkers at the time still works there (AFAIK - I saw him when I visited the store last December) and has worked there for…oh, I’d be surprised if he hasn’t been there for at least fifteen years. Why not? He clearly makes enough money to live on, and he enjoys his job. He’s a smart guy and could do something else, but this is what he likes doing. He used to be the store manager, but stepped down because he didn’t enjoy it.
Who am I to judge?
[bolding mine]Y’know, I have heard this term before, and I’m pretty damn sure I know what it means.
You would be surprised at the background of some successful people anyway. I knew a carpet fitter back in the day who ended up controlling the Italian bond market for a few years, using not much more than, shall we say, physical presence.
I believe the OP has recently found work as a temp clerking at a grocery store after a period of unemployment . Which I’m sure is a decent job, but I’m not sure I’d choose it over an apparently fairly stable retail position at a bookstore.
You know, I’m not sure that someone who has had a full time job with benefits, regardless of what it is, is really that much of an idiot.
I know jack squat about Barnes & Nobel, but I know that Starbucks (which is also retail) is generally considered a pretty decent place to work including competitive salaries, very good benefits, profit sharing and free coffee (if you’re into that). I’m not sure how that’s worse than being a low level office drone for 15 years which loads of people do.
However, I assume that the OP is a neurosurgeon or rocket scientist or something equally glamourous which puts him in a position to slag off people who have stable work in an economy with an unemployment rate hovering around 10%.
Looking at post #7, I really don’t think he has as much a problem with her job choice as he does with her skin color and sexuality.
that’s just a way of saying cunt in an accent, you know…
Not all of us have a great deal of ambition, you know. If we are supporting ourselves and able to buy a few luxuries and generally happy, I can’t understand why ANYONE cares that we are in a dead-end job. Some of us don’t really care - if going into the job itself is fun, then why struggle? The world needs ditch-diggers, too, you know.
Again, I have heard that word used repeatedly in the past, and “accent” has damn little to do with it.
…this made my day.
Stan Shmenge,
I’ve seen many people who engage in ‘private’ conversations which are easily overheard by all nearby shoppers.
It’s a rude thing to do to a person in a customer service position. They cannot adequately fight back.
Don’t jump to conclusions on this one, Czarcasm - I’ve heard it used as an imitation of a Scots accent where the underlying word is more commonly used. I’ve actually never heard it formulated as a portmanteau, but it’s an obvious enough combination that I don’t doubt you’ve heard it.
Circumstances are irrelevant. An asshole is an asshole, no matter why.
Why wait?
One of my friends/coworkers who just quit her highly paid job with our extremely prestigeous consulting firm was saying she would probably rather be a Starbucks barista. Getting paid a lot of money is nice, but it might also be nice not to have to spend my days with a bunch of arrogant, pretentious, pompous asses.
Then again, it’s a little hard to just say “fuck it, I’m working from home today” when you work at Starbucks.
Private or not, if you’re going to stand in a store having a conversation with your right hand, you’re going to attract attention.
But you seldom get on a plane on Sunday afternoon to be in town for a Monday morning meeting, and leave on the red eye at 11:00 pm Pacific so you can be in the office on Tuesday. And I bet a Starbucks barista is never doing business related email at 11pm.
(I’m working from home right now. In a meeting on the phone. And I was in a meeting with the Far East last night).