Yes, thank you bitch for that info. You have been working at Barnes & Noble for FIFTEEN YEARS! God is that fucking sad.
I am sorry that you overheard a PRIVATE CONVERSATION between my girlfriend, where I referred, correctly, after you guys totally fucked up her transaction, to people that work in shitty positions in retail as LOSERS!
Yes, you are a loser. If I worked at Barnes & Noble for fifteen years, I would shoot myself in the fucking head with a gun. Have you checked the stock price of B&N lately? Borders is about to go tits up, and you guys are next. Good luck with that retirement plan!
So throw me out. Call security. You are still a fucking loser. Sorry, bitch!
Yay you! You’re better than other ppl, and you TOLD THEM! And now you’ve told US how much better you are. Have you posted this on your Facebook page? Have you send out the appropriate chain- email? Now that you have your EPIC WIN, don’t drop the ball on the notification formalities.
This is another public service announcement
Brought to you in part by Slim Shady
(tell em’ I don’t give a fuck…)
Slim Shady does not give a fuck what you think
(tell em’ to suck my…)
If you don’t like it,
you can suck his fuckin cock
(tell em’ they kissed my ass)
little did you know,
upon purchasing this album,
you have just kissed his ass
(tell em’ I’m gonna…)
Lim Shady is feed up with your shit,
and he’s going to kill you
Uh, anything else?
Yeah, Sue me.
(Oh, btw, I had an uncle called Stan…he was my favourite uncle of all time! He was my mums younger brother so was unmarried and all that shit when I was a wee kid, but he was The Best. He used to take my sister and me to the movies and buy us ChocTops and popcorn, and let us watch **Deadly Ernest **on the telly when my nan reckoned we should have been in bed! He was the best uncle a kid could ever have!!)
You, on the other hand, are a complete fucking tool.
In all seriousness though, it really shits me when those who (for whatever economic or psychological reason) reckon that they lord above us proles who actually work 9-5 (or whatever variation thereof) for a fucking living. Yeah, you say it’s sad working at B & N for 15 years? I’d LOVE to work in a bookshop, and you’d have to cart my body out in a box at the end of my employment!! Bookstore=Heaven in my thesaurus.
The fact that you were there buying books or whatever shows that the industry provides a service to you, and that the lady behind the counter provides a service in merchandising the books to you…and you are maligning her, for what exactly? Being a person behind a counter selling you books that you would like to purchase? I don’t see the problem here, except that YOU are the one with an attitude Stan, and you might be better rid of it before the next time you attend a retail outlet, just sayin’ and all.
Still reckon you’re a complete fucken moron/tool/wanker, whatever takes yer’ fancy.
Thing is, kambuckta, the naked truth is that he wouldn’t be insulting them if he wasn’t so insecure himself. Methinkings OP is not CEO type, more a middle management goon.
I would not want her job for 15 years either.
But, you do have to give her credit for being responsible enough to stay at a job long enough to be able to have benefits.
She seems better to me than a person that just goes from low income job to another without ever being eligible for benefits.
You might be right** Angry**. It’s the MM leftovers who get riled at those above them for missed opportunities, and those below them for not aspiring to the heights they’ve risen to.
Must be hard for him negotiating such a tight-wire of unfulfilled expectations.