I've done absolutely nothing, and it was everything I thought it could be!

Mondays and Wednesdays, I have only 1 class, from 8-10am, and the rest of the day off.

Some background: This class is mundane and pointless. We learn next to nothing, and the professor spends more time going off on inconsequential tangents than discussing material.

Every. Single. Person. that I have talked to who is in this class feels the same way.

Today, the prof decided that he had prattled enough about our upcoming 2-page paper (OMG! 2. Whole. Pages.) and how to structure it (due on Monday) that there was no real reason to hold class today.

Hip. Hip. Hooray.

My next class is 2PM Thursday.

I’ve spent the entire day doing absolutely nothing, and it was everything I thought it could be!

I got a paid day off because work was going to be really slow today. This rarely happens. I’ve also spent the entire day doing nothing. I did go to lunch with a friend, though. Guess that’s something.

jealous, jealous, jealous…

I had days like that too, in college, but usually the prof didn’t say the bit about the cancelling class.


I’ve had my share of those days as well. Lately, its only been regarding this class.

Sunday was devoted to watching Gone with the Wind and football. I know exactly what you mean. I am still jealous that your freedom fell upon you. I had to schedule mine :slight_smile: But, Congratulations anyway!

Once, when I got laid off due to a merger, I was offered a retention bonus to stick around during the five-month transition and handle any issues that might arise that would fall under my area of expertise.

Well, after the first month, I had about one issue a day to deal with, and it would typically take about ten minutes to resolve. The rest of the eight hour day I spent surfing the web.

Eventually I found a site that had hundreds of movie scripts avilable for download. I read many movie scripts.

My typical day went: arrive at eight, drink a cup of tea, check my email, read a script for an hour. Then I would go out and smoke a couple of cigarettes. Then I would repeat this until lunch time, then go grab a fast food lunch, smoke a couple more cigarettes, and take a nap in my car. Then back to my desk, and a couple more scripts and cigarette breaks.

It was nice, but after a few weeks, I started wishing for some actual work to do.

I work like a sonafabitch most days – sometimes, in the crunch, from eight in the morning until midnight, and eight-to-eight certainly isn’t rare either. At home there’s the usual stuff I have to do and all of the stuff that I have no time for. Some days, when I’ve been thoroughly and mercilessly exploited at work, and a rare slow day crops up, I’ll say screw it, take a two-hour lunch and surf all afternoon. It’s sweet when it only happens once in a while.