I've Fallen! And I need to MMP!

TVCTPMO = The Vast Conspiracy To Piss Me Off. Picked up that phrase in the MMP.

Drunks are easier to deal with than my callers.

Morning, peeps. Up and at them early, because that’s what cats are for. Got in a quick grocery run before everybody else in town woke up. Going to be spending the next several months eating down the panty, which is way too full of stuff. Going from cooking for two to cooking for one really impacts the grocery list, among other things. Did a deep dive into the closet this morning and selected a shirt I haven’t been able to wear in months. It not only fit, it was loose! I seem to be getting a handle on getting rid of the gut. That will last until I start seriously baking again, because who can resist warm, fresh bread? But in the meantime I’m digging the slightly slimmer me.

Thought the El Dorado fire was well in hand, but no, yesterday saw a back-stream and it found some fuel it had missed on the ridge above town. So a few more days of smoke and another wilderness trail wiped clean.

Enjoy the weekend, those of you who have one! The rest just enjoy the day.

Happy Saturday!

It was a nippy, misty 63 degrees at the park this morning.
I could have dressed a little warmer, like pants instead of shorts.
Supposed to be cool and cloudy all day, high of 73.

Went and looked at bathtubs this morning. It was a waste of time as there were only about 5 on display in the store. I’ll pick out a few online and discuss with the lawn/fence/paint/bathroom guy.

I need to do some laundry today. Catch up on some paper irk. I need to talk with somebody in management at irk. I sent them an email Thorsday and got an email back. I want to talk, no email.
A customer asked me to do something fraudulent, which is bad enough, but then she went on to say that she knows I won’t get caught because other representatives have done it for her.
I’m obligated to report her, if I don’t report her and the company finds out I will be fired. I hate being a snitch, but I have no choice AND for all I know, she is irking for the company and testing me. However, because she said other reps have done this for her, I really would rather talk to somebody than put it all down in an email. I don’t know who the other reps are, I didn’t ask, but I’m sure the company can look at her purchase history and figure it out. Which means too, that if she asks somebody else and they report it, I would be on her purchase history and be suspect as well.
It’s an ugly situation.
Besides, why would I want to rip off the company that pays me. If enough people do that, the company loses money, goes out of business, and then all of us are out of a job.
Kind of counterproductive, or ‘don’t bite the hand that feeds you’.

If bell peppers are mangoes (I knew somebody who called them that) then what are mangoes called?
I wonder what stuffed mangoes would taste like? YUK!

Read much, retained little,

I hope all y’all have a decent, if not good, day.

I’m out of sorts and off. Also, I don’t work the rest of the weekend. :wink:

Jeepers, Dots. ((((hugs))))

Stuffed Mangos
3 medium ripe, but firm mangos
1 Sofrito Base
3 Tbsp. tomato paste
1 lb. lean ground beef
1 pkg. [(6 oz.) Smoked Ham, chopped]
1/2 cup Sour Cream

Cut mangos in half lengthwise along flat edges of center seeds; discard seeds. Carefully scoop out fruit with a spoon, taking care not to cut through skins and leaving 1/4-inch fruit along skins. Place skins on serving dish; set aside. Finely chop fruit; set aside.

Heat large skillet on medium-high heat. Add Sofrito Base and tomato paste; cook 3 min., stirring occasionally. Add meat and ham; cook 10 min. or until meat is cooked through, stirring occasionally. Gently stir in chopped fruit; cook 5 min. or until heated through, stirring occasionally.

Fill mango skins evenly with meat mixture, using about 1 cup of the meat mixture for each skin. Top with sour cream just before serving.

Our TV is reinstalled in the bedroom along with a small shelf unit to hold the cable box and Roku unit. It was more of a fiasco than it should have been because someone is really obsessed with how things look, even tho we’re the only ones who see it. Whatever, it’s done.

I also found a shorter route to Leonardtown - huzzah! No indication from the county how much longer it will take to repair the Rt 5 bridge over St Clements Creek and we can’t get close enough to snoop on it, so who knows… Still, it’s nice to have a quicker trip for when I go fetch Roxy.

We just finished a late lunch and we’re taking a break before attacking the next chore. Like fighting ignorance, it’s taking a lot longer than we thought… :wink:

TVCTPMO has been with me for too long… Don’t recall mentioning it, but I got one estimate so far for the sewer work - $15,475. $1500 for parts, $11,425.35 for labor. The rest is permits. Amazing and amusing that they can narrow it down to 35 cents. And even if it takes four people to do the job in one day as promised, at over $2,800 per person, I’m in the wrong business!

I might be better off just buying a pro-grade sewer auger to have on hand for the next time the line clogs up. $500-600 up front, but being able to roll it out and fix things immediately vs waiting two days for someone to show up is priceless.

And the car needs tires. One is at legal minimums so it can’t be patched. The others are the same age, so might as well do them all together. Oh joy.

Or wooing new wives…

I enjoyed the geek lesson. Didn’t understand it in any depth, but liked knowing. I’m the only hard science dullard in my family so your little lesson will help me save face by smiling and nodding knowingly the next time one of my progeny talks about why those kinds of things work (or don’t). I’m strictly a gas stove girl. Flame I can understand-it is marvelously primitive. As long as there’s always a fire extinguisher within reach. Should tell you something about my kitchen attention span that my youngest science nerd child gave me a brand shiny new fire extinguisher for one of my birthdays and every time he’s home for a visit (which is way too seldom) checks to make sure that it’s charged. He’s the same kid that gave me a new microwave when the old one died. There may be a message there about flames and me.

We call it Sunday dinner up here too. Usually followed by a nap if you’re doing it right. Yours sounds delicious. Is the cement pond put away for the season?

Does sound like it is more aggravation and uncertainty than it is worth. Good luck with the job search. Hope you can soon find one soon with more of the good parts and a lot less of the unlovely aspects.

Most days I would trade yah in a heart beat. Not liking forced retirement much.

I hate these kinds of dilemmas. They are what the expression “damned if you do and damned if you don’t” was invented for. In the medical field they abound. I learned to be sure I had a paperwork (electronic really) trail proving that I had indeed reported it. I learned the hard way that I couldn’t prove what I said in a phone call. Keep notes.

I’m learning that every house task takes at least 3 times as long to do and costs at least twice as much as I thought it would. Plus, I can never finish anything with only one trip to the store. Hope you get to put your feet up for a good long while and enjoy a big iced tea.

I’m heading for my second mug of coffee for the day. No big plans for the day beyond getting ready for my granddaughter day tomorrow.


Howdy Y’all! I have been the King of Kitchen Domesticity today. Got everything prepped for tomorrow, except the peach cobbler, which must be readied just before bakin’, as well as made the N.O.T. sallit and baked the ham. We sampled the N.O.T. sallit and ham for sup. It meets approval. In a while I shall slice the ham (easy enough as it’s spiral cut) and refrigerate the slices. The hambone will go in da freezer for future use. Always good to have a hambone on hand.

Boo the cee-mint pond is pretty much over for the season. Haven’t wrapped the pump and such for Winter but will get that done sometime in October. I don’t cover it cause that’s too much trouble and outside of pine straw from the neighbors’ yahds nuttin’ gets in it so uncovered it remains.

Good afternoon! Not much going on around here, today. I did run to the bank this morning, to withdraw some cash for the back door replacement that will be coming up on Monday/Tuesday/Sometime.
I had no idea that I can only withdraw $400 from the bank’s ATM. It wouldn’t let me do it a second time, let alone a third time. So, I pulled around to the front, and sat there until it opened. A little after 9am, I looked at the doors, and it said that they’re now closed on Saturday, because of the virus. Good freakin’ grief. I guess I’ll run in on Monday morning, at opening time, to get the rest of the cash I’ll need. Always something.

Speaking of the back door repair, it is necessary, because Shayna at the aluminum that was surrounding the door frame, on the outside. This is why she’s taking Prozac. Also, the door is having a doozy of a time staying closed. Something about it being all off-kilter, or something. I’m not a carpenter, so, I can’t explain it. Anyway, the door guy will be here to replace it on Monday/Tuesday/Sometime. I want to have the money in my sweaty, fat hands, so I can give it to him, and get it replaced. It’ll have a storm door on the outside, this time. It didn’t have one, before. So, that’ll be nice. Maybe Shayna won’t eat it. I don’t know. I don’t put anything past her. She’s batshit insane. I love her dearly, though.

I need a nap. I’m draggin’.

Have a nice evening!

I have never heard of calling bell peppers mangos. I wonder how that got started? My ex’s family used to call cream horns scones. I once asked them what they called real scones, but they looked blank: There was another kind? :slight_smile:

Today has been busy, and not according to plan, which is OK, except that I need to get to the pharmacy today because I’m out of glaucoma drops. I spent a long time discussing religion with an atheist relative. I normally stay out of those discussions, especially here on the Dope, where it seems any and all religion threads end up with unbelievers caricaturing believers to each other. I’m more of a live-and-let-live person. But today’s ongoing discussion is free of caricatures, mean-spirited comments, or people trying to convert each other, so I’m good.

Sari, what an ugly situation, but you’re right: you have no choice. And you’re smart to demand a conversation and not emails. I’m sure you already know to document the call and to take notes.

Swampy, so cool that JD and Partner can go to church with you two before you all drink heathenish Bloody Marys! I haven’t had cheese straws in ages. The dinner sounds delish, and I am no craving peach cobbler.

Gotti, holy moly, that’s a lot of money!!! If you get the auger, you can skip the pricey fix, is that right?

Oops! Dryer stopped. Must fold before clothes get wrinkly.

Threw together a quick and tasty supper, melting part of the handle of a pair of tongs, dammit. I have a smooth-surface stovetop and I sometimes forget that a “burner” is hot. Like today. I’ll get a blade and scrape it up later. Dishes have been rinsed and we’re done doing productive stuff today.


TV installed in bedroom, with the associated cable box and Roku.
Assembled and installed the new shelf unit.

Hung up key rack
Installed curtain rods in the guest room
Ironed and hung the new curtains in the guest room
Talked about what we’re going to do tomorrow. :smiley:

All in all, a pretty good day.

This same thing has stymied my housemate a time or two also. Seems like the daily overall withdrawal limits per account has been lowered since CoVid. She’s young, she doesn’t believe in checking accounts, looks at me funny when I write a check, the rare times I do. The ATM thing has made for some crazy last minute driving around for us so she can pay me rent.

Is Shayna a dog or a cat? Mind you, I’ve had each chew or claw doors. When I did a minor renovation on my front porch 10 years ago I upcycled a full glass storm door at a really good adaptive reuse price but didn’t realize that later I would regret not having an option to have screen open at times for fresh air. Switching that out for a screened option is a next year project. Either way my kitties like sitting behind the glass and watching the world go by. Although they no doubt think of it as giving the world a chance to look in and admire them.

Looks very sharp FCN and FCD :ok_hand:t2:. The paint color scheme is gorgeous also.

Boo~just finished my second and last mug of Folgers for the day. Resting up for grandgirl wrangling tomorrow.

Tell us all about these new camo curtains with tassels and valances. :innocent:

Better yet, photos will be required, duvet cover too.


Wow dot! You’re braver than I, taking on kids.

sari, growing up, we were clueless about real mangoes. We were rural and midwestern, so our options were limited.

Went to the Tar-jay CVS for my flu shot and spent the $5 gift card for hair conditioner. Went to the dog park and Nelson had a good time playing with Jersey, Jack, Chevy, Peanut and Al Poochino. We left when the skeeters got really bad. A trip through the drive thru at Cook Out for a stoner special was supper and now it’s time to fold the shirts and drawers. After that, chillage shall ensue.

Napped and laundered. Waiting for the Stanley Cup Final to start. Italian chicken for dinner tonight.

That’s the whole point. You will see it.

I have 4 fire extinguishers in my apartment, because I had a former roommate who literally attracted fire. :open_mouth:

sai, I’d do the email, for CYA purposes. And 75% chance customer just says that even if not true, just to try to get something for free, I got that a lot:
Customer: " :insert other company : violates the law for me"
Me: “OK, go to the other store then”

Evening all. Soccer has been coached (we lost 1-2) and refereed and I’m working on staying off my feet for the rest of the night, they are a bit sore. Subway provided sustenance between coaching and refereeing and I still haven’t decided on a dinner plate yet.

Sari, that’s a tough call, but like you say, better you report it that somebody else does and you’re implicated. Best wishes.

FCM, your work rate is still impressing me. Pics look good.

swampy, enjoy tomorrow’s (literal) pig out.

gotti, that bill is…impressive. Getting more estimates, I presume…sometimes one is way out of the ballpark (when I got new windows the estimates were $6-7,000 IIRC–but one was nearly $20,000!!). Good luck.

Nut, sounds like management hasn’t a clue–best if you can get out of there into something slightly more sane.

Everyone have a good night.

Shayna is a dog. Husky mix. Blue eyes. She’s worn down her bottom front teeth, because of her chewing issues. She’s gone through chain link fence, aluminum siding, soda cans, one loveseat, two upholstered chairs, one kitchen chair, a window sill, a door frame, etc. This is why she’s on Prozac. Two a day. It’s really not helping all that much. FML

Lazy tonight. I just ordered a pizza, in spite of my carbohydrate restriction. I’ve had two slices – plus a Mediterranean salad. Mrs. L.A. bought a bottle of Jim Beam Black Label, and I’ve had one glass; plus two glasses of red wine.