I've Fallen! And I need to MMP!

Do tell, what’s a stoner special? In my neck of the woods that would be the big box o’ Taco Bell but your environs no doubt offer more refined choices.

Two in the kitchen. One in the basement workroom-the workroom where the son used to make his own fireworks and where I still find strange and wondrous materials.

My grand dog Mia (a Brittany?pit?+? rescue) is a chewer, also on Prozac. Still can’t take our eyes off of her if there is anything wood/fabric/leather in reach. Good thing we love her so much. If a human hand has touched it ever, she will chew it. Lost no end of purses that way.

Around SoCal it would mean a run to Jack-In-The-Box for a Munchie Meal.

Flyboy, thanks for the link. That explains it. Sort of. I mean, of all the fruits and vegetables that were pickled, how come “mangoes” only stuck to bell peppers? And why did it only stick in certain parts of the country? When I lived in New England nobody called green peppers “mangos.” It’s clearly not a west coast thing. And nobody called them “mangos” when I grew up in Chicagoland. Etymology fascinates me.

I got my Rx from the pharmacy. My cousin called while I was en route. She just got word she has squamous cell skin cancer. She’s had basal cell cancer before. The surgery will be somewhat disfiguring, but the alternative is surgery that’ has “only” a 95% long-term success rate. Also, she had a house fire. Everybody’s OK, and only a few things were destroyed. It reminds me that I shouldn’t be taking much for granted.

Mooooom, the TV and shelving look good. I think I’m doing OK, and then I read your posts and feel like an under-achiever.

It sounds like your cousin is having an even worse 2020 than the rest of us nellie. I hope that she recuperates from everything OK.

A stoner special is anything from their combo menu:

Cook Out

My special tonight was a western burger with a chorizo quesadilla, a corn dog and an unsweet tea. Their burgers are decent (their buns could be better though), the sides are more interesting than just fries and the prices are great.

Good Mornin’ Y’all! Up and caffeinatin’. YAWN 'Tis snerk 69! snerk Amurrkin out and partly cloudy with a predicted high of ONLY 75 with rain/tstorms/apocalypse predicted for this afternoon. We shall see. The big item on today’s agenda is deheathenization followed by much silliness and N.O.L. Nappage is on the agenda for the afternoon.

Now I need more caffeine and to feed rumbly tummy. Then, purtification for deheathenization must commence. Rah.

Happy Sunday Y’all!

Up early. Thanks, cats. Oh, well, was in bed super early last night, after picking up a small green curry for dinner because screw cooking and thereby adding to the kitchen-clean-up needs.

It’s cool and cloudy, nice day to run orders for NINE straight hours (as opposed to ten - Sundays are a shorter shift) and since I don’t hafta get up just yet, I’m snuggling with my House Panther and my House … uh, Furry Potato.

It was a night of gastrointestinal distress requiring many uses of the facilities between 1 and 4 of the AM. Once things finally settled, I was able to sleep till 7-ish, so I feel almost human. In the past hour, I tended to the critters, cleaned the cat box, started a load of towels, showered, dressed, and made breakfast for my sweetie and me. Today is for furniture moving and doing the pre-will paperwork. It’s foggy outside at the moment and we might see a little sun this afternoon… maybe.

I’m also going to swap out the cable box in our room - the one that’s in there got hot just sitting there and the remote won’t work with the TV. We’ll go back to the one that was in there in the first place.

Mostly, it’ll be a lazy day. But first, the washer is done…

Happy Last Sunday in September!

Hey, FCMooommm and Swamy, it’s me! Up and moving, sort of, at your hour!

Had my coffee and bagel, taken my thyroid pill and listening to the rolling thunder boomers. Heading to the shower to get ready to head off for my weekly Sunday of granddaughter wrangling. Doesn’t sound like we’ll be spending much time pine cone collecting or worm rescuing in the back yard.

I’m hoping two things: I survive the physical challenges of the day and I don’t get caught blurting a swear word that will become an eternal part of her vocabulary.

And the weather straightens out enough that her dad, my SIL, grills our evening meal. He does that ever so well.

Boo (I came by my name through a Hattie Sunday, makes me smile every time-at least she didn’t name me Grimhilde-then what would you guys nickname me, Grim?)

Good morning, friends.

Woke up around 3:30, stared at the ceiling, played on my phone, brushed the cats, stared at the ceiling some more. Did a lot of house cleaning yesterday, which on one hand, means I’m hurting today. And on the other… means the house is pretty clean. My sister is coming to stay for a couple nights, so it’s in preparation for her. Today’s agenda is more of the same- the cats’ stuff is spread all over the house (not in a weird way- like their water fountain is in the kitchen and their litterboxes are in my bedroom), so I think I’m going to try to move all the essentials to my room so that if they’re scared, I can just shut the door.

Anyway. Time to get up and moving, I guess. My friend who asked me to take the dog called yesterday and asked if I wanted to go out for breakfast today. I said yes, but I really don’t feel up to it today. And I also can’t take the dog- it’s too much all at once right now. So I feel like an asshole. Will probably put on a happy face and go anyway, but food and I have really, really, really not been friends lately, so the whole thing makes me a bit :grimacing: :flushed: :confounded:. Either way, though, it’s well and truly daytime now, so it’s time to get moving.

Glad you’re feeling a little better Moooooooom.

dot, I think you’re wise to know what your limitations are.

Up, caffeinating and breakfasting. I will be going to the 'Boro today for a Marketplace pick up, do the usual Sunday chores and make supper (P.F. Chang style cabbage cups, hot and sour soup and a nice sesame cucumber salad).

Stay safe and healthy y’all!

Coming up on 0730, and I’ve had two cups of joe. Another cup, and I’ll be quasi-functional.

Up, caffeinated, and sheveled. Time to clean the bathroom!

No snuggling the House Tube? :snake:

Reaper? Fairy?

Glad to see I’m not the only one who was rousted out of bed by the Great Feline Conspiracy. My masters and mistresses are fed, watered and skritched, the litter boxes have been scooped of deposits that quite frankly would have had me yelping, the plants are watered, I replaced the other bad fluorescent tube in the kitchen, and I still haven’t had breakfast or caffeine yet.

Hope everybody has a pleasant valley, hill, dale or flat land Sunday!

Morning all. Up at about 5:30am today, no idea why (I don’t have pets) and nappage sounds like a good idea come the afternoon. Belly has been fed and body is purified, and Sudoku’s have been completed, so that pretty much took care of the morning. Tackleball watching is planned for the afternoon, along with some reading.

Where I lived, White Castle was the ‘stoners’ place, since it was open 24 hours and even someone nearly broke could get a coffee and a couple of sliders. Even made a movie about it…

nellie, {{ }} to your cousin, sounds like she had a bad week…maybe she needs to join the MMP.

Dot, enjoy the family get-together. And I think it’s probably wise to not take the dog right now; there will be other dogs at other times.

All y’all enjoy your Sunday.

Cleaned the bathroom, took Gordie on his passive/aggressive walk, and had a redneck burrito for brunch(scrambled egg, country ham, cheddar cheese and a salsa made with peppers, onions and tomatos. Plus Tabasco sauce.). Time for football!(Handegg for you furriners. :smiley: )

{{{{nellie and cousin}}}}

My tackleball/handegg isn’t happening til tomorrow (Chiefs) so I won’t be enjoying them this week. Only have cable access at my daughter’s/SIL’s so I will have to make do with highlights via the net/God save Google, hip, hip hooray!

I was also up half the night with a crummy tummy. Mooooom with crummy tummy:

Nellie with crummy tummy: lies in bed, ponders the meaning of existence.

MetalMouse, I love my cousin, but she has rather rigid views and would not be a good fit for the MMP. I doubt she’d get past the Board name.

Dot: Your compassion in considering caring for a creature in need is praiseworthy regardless of your realization that it’d be too much right now. I hope you can treat yourself with the same compassion.

Shoe, Furry Potato gave me a chuckle.

Back!!! We’ve relocated my desk and the associated computer stuff. And we moved my computer hutch out to the shop - FCD wants to use it on his desk. That booger was heavy!!! We used a dolly to get it to the garden cart, then towed it to the shop using the mower. Plus we went to Salsa’s for lunch. And, finally, the sun is peeking thru the clouds. We got soaked with 5% chance of rain when we went to lunch.

I did 2 loads of laundry, and I still need to clean the critter fountain. And I need to do the stuff for the will. But tomorrow is a mostly Roxy-free day. I’ll have to tend to her for a couple of hours in the afternoon. I can take advantage of that to run to Aldi, which is across the street from their neighborhood.

It’s looking like we’ll be going to FL on Oct 10 for however long it’ll take FCD to check on his folks. We’ll pack lunch so we won’t have to stop along the way except for gas and potty breaks, and we absolutely won’t dine out while there. Since their asshole gov thinks it’s OK to open the state again, we’ll probably not leave their house except for rare errands.

But for now, off to clean the fountain.


You and FCD pul-eeze hold your collective breaths the entire time you are in FL!

The governor there has lost his mind, and COVID will be running in the gutters before too long!


Howdy Y’all! We deheathenated, had cocktails and N.O.L., and have achieved nappage. All on a rainy Sunday. A good time was had by all and much silliness/merriment ensued. The only other task at hand is to haul the biiiiiiiiiiiig trash can all the way down to the road for pick up tomorrow. That may not happen to morn if’n the rain keeps up which it looks like it shall.

MOOOOOOM and Nellie hope the crummy tummy problems are all better. Also, be careful in Flarduh MOOOOOOM I say Jawja should set up a border patrol on the state line to keep 'em out. They;d probably all sneak in through the Okefenokee Swamp, however.