I've Fallen! And I need to MMP!

It’s 53 degrees Amurikin, False Fall is in full swing(it’ll be 85 again by Friday).

Up, caffeinated, and sheveled. Off to sort. And since we ran out of room in the cages on Saturday, we can re sort all the 2nd sort stuff. :grimacing:

Good morning everyone. Although retired, post-operative pain (and dogs) finally drove me out of bed at 4:00 am this morning. The good news is I can catch up, nap-wise during the day.

It’s 72 according to my delicate and finely tuned $1.39 Walmart thermometer, and that’s pleasantly cool for this part of Tejas.

@dogbutler, Off to “sort”? Sounds like you’re headed to FedEx or UPS to re-arrange boxes in their travels. Still trying to figure out the “cages” though. Well, hope you have a good day, whatever is being sorted and caged. :sunglasses:

After 2 nights of sleeping thru, my internal clock decided I needed to be up at 3 this morning. I did some tablet surfing for a while, then gave up and got up. I’m now showered, dressed, fed, and caffeinating. Critters have been tended to, but cat box still needs scooping. Once I’ve finished my morning surf, I’ll prep for the painters. There are still 3 blinds that need to be taken down, and more carpet to be trimmed back. But they can get started in the dining room, so there’s that. I figure by Weds, Thurs at the latest, they’ll be done.

We moved a lot of stuff into the guest room, but since there’s no bed in there yet, we have lots of space to pile stuff. I’m hoping all the small kitchen appliances will fit on the dining room table, but I have a bunch of them. Then there’s this desk. I’ve been avoiding it, but I can’t do that much longer. Probably a good thing I emptied the trash yesterday, because I expect to have a lot of trash from the desk and kitchen.

For now, tho, I have a few quiet minutes to surf.

Happy Moanday!!

Morning, mumpers! I am at irk, in my proper irkplace for a couple of days. I only have to come in to the campus office two days a week, and today was the first time since March. It feels very strange, there’s only two of us in today and we are making sure the office is ready for everyone else when they come back. Campus is quiet, although I am not venturing out until it’s time to go home!

Good Mornin’ Y’all! Up and caffeinatin’. YAWN 'Tis 61 Amurrkin out and clear with a predicted high of 75 and partly N.O.S. for the day. Like doggio said, we are in False Fall as mid to upper 80s return toward the end of the week. The big item on today’s agenda is to spiff da cave. Live it up we do! After much discussion last night, it was decided that sup shall be Krystals AKA gut bombers and fries. Belch/Fart fest to follow.

Now I need more caffeine and rumbly tummy wants to be fed. Then, onward into the day! Rah,

Happy Moanday Y’all!

Good morning all. Saturday and Sunday went by as they usually have, but today would have been a workday and retirement means I did not have to go. I woke at the usual time and decided I was just too comfortable to drag myself out of bed.

I think I can get used to this

Painters arrived just as I was finishing with the switch plates. So the country music is cranked up and I’m avoiding the emptying of the desk. But I came across this picture - can you spot me??

OK, enough goofing off - I have work to do.

FCM, I think you’re on the far left side in the 3rd/4th row.

yanker (I forgot pullin’s MMP name), yes, doggio now works for (Amazon? UPS?) and regales us with stories like the dearly departed ruble used too.

boo fae, welcome back to the office (which probably hasn’t been cleaned in 4 months…)

swampy, haven’t eaten at Krystal’s in a while (keep frozen White castles in the house), so maybe tonight…

hippy, if you need advice for sleeping in, swampy and I can help…

62F heading for 75F today, which qualifies as fall around N. Ali-bama. Looks to be staying in the 70’s for the next week, which is fine by me,

Now need to get out to purchase new sprinklers, do some grocery shopping, and get the Jersey Mike’s Moanday sammich. Everyone have a good week now.

Good eye. Yep, that’s 19-y/o me.

Just been informed that there are just 2 more days of painting to be done. Huzzah!

I haz a sinus infection. Doc put me on 20 days! of antibiotics and 8 days of Prednisone. My sleep,is all goofed up due to the rxs. Staying home from irk today.

Mrs. L.A. had a cabinet/cutting board on wheels that she brought with her when she moved in. We put it out on the deck, under the roof, so we could use it with the BBQ grill. The roof extends above the house roof, but is open in back. Here’s a pic of the deck and roof under construction a few years ago. The upshot is, rain tends to blow in and the cutting board became quite mouldy.

Yesterday I sanded the cutting board and the little folding table on the side, with the intention of painting it with spar varnish to keep it from getting mouldy again. (We’re not going to cut anything on it. I do all the prep in the kitchen.) Mrs. L.A. sprayed it with bleach water to ensure I don’t paint over living mould. I pulled the cabinet back under the roof yesterday after it dried, with the intention of putting the first coat of varnish on it this morning. I went out, and the top is wet. No rain, but it’s humid enough right now that dew condensed on it. Now I have to wait for it to dry again before I can protect it from wetness.

Morning, all. Fires are still burning, but around these parts the air quality is much improved. Except for the ragweed pollen, of course. AH-CHOO! Tango was a Bad Boy last night. Around midnight he went into a kitten attack frenzy on the bed, with my toes and Havoc’s tail as the main targets. After a couple of smack-downs will little discernable effect, he got himself exiled to the sun room for the rest of the night. We’ll see how long it takes him to learn his lessons.

The cats are watered and fed, the plants are watered, I have laved my ivory splendor and clothed myself. Onward to labor in the vineyard of Academia, junior-grade (Seniors, actually.) Hope everybody has a Merry Monday!

Yeah, I was thinking “85 is false Fall? Sounds perfectly normal for September to me.” This low 70s business is what is unusual.

60f (15.5c) here in flyover country. I made buttermilk biscuits for our breakfast with a little butter and honey on the side. Diet Coke for my lovely lady and French Market Coffee with Chicory for me.

You’re sorting live critters now? I’m impressed! Got any unicorns? :unicorn:

From the last MMP: Miss Owl, no I didn’t go to BPB, it’s really not my kind of thing and probably just as well since our chief medical officer science person has said it was a Very Bad Thing for people to have packed into the area over the weekend.

It’s been around 72F here today, which is pretty hot, same temperatures predicted for tomorrow and then on Wednesday it should slide to a more respectable 55F. I’ll be back working from home by then though. Huzzah!

I have returned with sprinklers, groceries, and sammich in my possession. Watering the front yard right now, will do the back this afternoon or tomorrow. Temp is up to 69F, but the AC is resting, we’ll see if it gets any more use this year.

Quiet, kittens gotta kitten. He’ll learn eventually (then again, being a cat, maybe not…)

flyboy, good luck on the varnishing… sometime.

OK, need to do a little research and preparing for soccer this afternoon.

I had a handrail installed on the stairs out back some years ago. I decided to finish it with urethane. It turned black over the winter. Next summer I sanded it down and coated it again. Same thing happened. Then I tried spar varnish. Same problem. This year I gave up and painted the bloody thing.

Happy Moonday!

Chilly morning at the park. I wore my long underwear, but could have used some gloves as well. And my toes got cold.
However, the cool air really perks up the pups, so they had a great time.
Ziggy, the corgi puppy, showed up and he and Echo had a great time playing. I’m always a little nervous when Echo plays with a puppy, she plays hard, but Ziggy comes right back at her.

Looks to be a pretty day again today. The sun is shining with a high of 66 predicted.
Supposed to warm up into the 80s by Wednesday.

My nice neighbor invited me to meet him outside yesterday, to give me two pieces of cheesecake.

The lawn/fence/bathroom guy wants me to meet him at Home Depot one day this week, to pick out a bathtub. Home Depot because I can get 24 months of 0% interest on the purchase.

Irk was irksome this morning. Hopefully this evening sanity will reign.

Painters are done for the day - both the living room and dining room are done. I’ll put the switch/outlet plates back this afternoon, then move the living room furniture out of the middle of the room. I also need to empty this desk, and I’ll take the computer down and put all the components in the guest room till I can reassemble this room. I’m hoping I can scoot it away from the wall far enough to permit me to cut up the carpet edge.

We’ve got to take the truck to our car guy - the power steering fluid seems to be leaking slowly. FCD also suspects it may have a tie rod issue. We’ll just get Paul to give it a once-over.

Steak for supper - it’s marinating right now. And I think I’ll build another cucumber-onion salad. I really like it, and so does Roxy. So that should fill my afternoon.