I've Fallen! And I need to MMP!

I would like to cancel 2020 now. Learning of RBG’s passing was devastating. Then Saturday I got a text from my step mother that dad was in the hospital with dangerously high blood pressure and confusion. He called me 3 times, thinking I was my half-sister, only to start up a conversation we’d been having a few weeks ago. I’m really scared for him. He also called an attendant at the hospital a motherfucker, which is kind of typical of him when he’s out of his head, but I’m sure that at least partially explains why he was discharged so quickly. Given his memory issues right now I think he needs to at least be in assisted living.

Anyway, many drinks were had this weekend, but none of them did anything other than make my eyes puffier and me more tired and sick to my stomach. Let’s see - something good, something good…my mom’s birthday is today and I made her a chocolate cake. It’ll have mint icing and crushed mint candy on top - apparently it’s been her favorite since she was a little girl but after my great-grandmother died, no one has made it for her since. Hope I make the icing okay. We’re having filet mignon, too. And I’m taking 1/2 day off work to run errands and clean, so that’ll be cool to have some time alone to wallow. Just a bit, anyway.

Howdy Y’all! Da cave is spiffed, nappage was achieved, and Krystals are et. We have the windows open right now, but may have to close ‘em when the neighbors start to complain about the post-Krystal stench emanatin’ from inside da cave. :nauseated_face: Definite belch/fart fest happenin’.

Wordy so sorry about your dad. I went through that with mine, and no fun.

Hippie you catch on quick.

MetalMouse I wouldn’t be much help with sleepin’ in advice as seven a.m. is late for me. Then again, I am prone to naps, so I can advise there.

dicey, my grandmother used to grind her poppy seeds in the food mill for kolache. I’ve done that and used a mortar and pestle, but when I make them for Dad at Thanksgiving, I buy the filling.

Mooooooom, it took a few minutes, but I picked you out of the picture. You and metal mouse confirmed it.

{{{wet one}}}

boofae, if 72F is hot for you, you would be miserable in the mid-south of the USA. :stuck_out_tongue: That’s almost jacket weather.

I hope that you can get your dad into assisted living wordy. Aging parents ills can keep you worrying.

We’re having false fall here in middle Tennessee too. I’ve actually worn long pants for the last three days. The ragweed is in full bloom and leaf mold has begun, so I’m sneezy and wheezy and Nelson is snorting (ragweed does that to him). Wrapping up a small project in the studio tonight and will do the cleanup / salvage from it before sketching out the next one. Mojo pork from the freezer stash and broccoli were supper.

Stay safe and healthy y’all!

Today was tortilla press day–or mammogram day, but I think tortilla press is more accurate. Then the radiologist decided he wanted an ultrasound, too, which made me a little nervous but turned out OK. Whew! Then I walked to the grocery store because they had grapes on sale, and I lurv grapes.

OW, I think unicorns go by Second Day Air. :slight_smile:

MetalMouse, did you get the whirly kind of sprinkler or the oscillating kind? When I was a kid, I preferred the whirly kind because they were more fun to play in. Not sure how often you jump in the sprinkler these days…

That reminds me…last Saturday I was walking down the sidewalk and came upon a hopscotch game chalked and ready to go, so naturally, I hopscotched. Then I saw, “Walk across the bridge!” with a bridge drawn on the pavement. So I did that, too. There were probably kids looking out a window hoping to watch adults look silly, but I thought it was a great idea.

FCM, Roxy is the first two-year-old I’ve ever known who likes onions. Good for her! Also, what a great photo! You look so happy!

Wordy, I’m sorry about your dad. As swampy said, it’s a rough ride. Is your stepmom amenable to him going into assisted living? (Your dad, not swampy.) Happy Birthday to your mom! The cake sounds so good that I’m craving some now, and it’s so sweet of you to make it for her.

swampy, I’ve never heard of Krystal’s. What can I say? I’ve led a sheltered life. So they’re delicious old school burgers? Are they a LOT like White Castle?

WetOne, sorry about both the sinus infection and the med side effects. I loathe prednisone’s side effects, especially the insomnia, but I have to admit, it does help. If the insomnia continues, you might call your doc. It’s possible the dose can be lowered.

I’m back… didja miss me? My ISP had a widespread outage and while it was out, we moved my desk. That caused a secondary outage when the power cord came loose. But it’s all good now.

We’re almost ready for tomorrow’s painting.

And Ziva will be shaved next week because she’s matted something awful.

That’s pretty much it. :disappointed_relieved:

Overheard part of a conversation where an elderly guy and his wife had a nice condo on the water and a million dollars in the bank. It’s all gone, as well as their 401k, and medical expenses forced them to declare bankruptcy. :frowning:

I had a great time in boot camp. It was truly a turning point of my life. In fact, it set the stage for my career, and enlisting was actually a spur of the moment decision. Funny how it all worked out.

Short sort, and when I got home, Brody the GP gave me an earful about what Gordie said about his mother yesterday.

UPS. Ad re: cages. Think of giant 3 level bookshelves that go round and round on tracks so the loaders can take them out and shove them into the package cars, so the drivers can play “Ding Dong Dash” with you.

No, but we’ve had crickets :cricket:, fish :fish:, and live bees :honeybee:

nellie, Krystal is sorta a Southern version of White Castle.

WetOne, feel better. I’m not a fan of Prednisone, but if iit helps, that’s good.


I think Swampy is already in assisted living. :grin:

The gutter guys came and went today. When they pulled down the old gutters they pointed out a couple more places where the roofers screwed up our fascias. I’m not gonna lose sleep over it, but they won’t be getting any recommendations from me.

Went to the dentist. Got 4 little fillings. I’ve got another cavity on the other side, but dentist said he doesn’t like to numb both sides at once. I don’t think I’d like that either. But he did say the lidocaine would wear off in a couple of hours. It’s been 5 hours now and my lips are still a little tingly. :thinking:

I seem to remember either White Castle or something similar in Pensacola Fla. But that would be 50+ years ago.

Hugs, boos, shouts, etc. to those as needs 'em. Later.

nellie, what doggio said about Krystal’s. I’m not a fan of either WC or Krystal’s, but if I had to choose, Krystal’s would win for the Krystal chicks (chicken sliders) or their breakfast sandwiches.

Evening all. Soccer has been coached successfully and Jack’s provided sustenance, so all is well.

{{Wordy}}, my dad went from his house to ‘independent living’ to assisted living and then the nursing home before his passing, so I know what you and your family are going through. Be well.

nellie, the main difference in Krystals and White Castles is that Krystals puts mustard on theirs while WC usually provides ketchup. And it’s the oscillating type, the only time I get wet from it is when I mis-judge my timing in adjusting it’s position…

flyboy, that’s sad to hear. You would think they would have had some good insurance given what they had in the bank. Guess you never know…(crosses fingers my good health continues).

FCM, how long will it take Ziva to forgive you for the de-matting??

Take care all, catch you on 2day.

Ugh, still waiting for the pain after the nerve ablation to be abating. They do say the first 5-7 days after an RFA can be unpleasant. So far, they’re accurate.

PWAISDN needs to find a new place to hang his apron. Barbershops in SF are limited to how many barbers/stylists can work at any given time. He found out that he has no place to work on Friday. As a result, ten people who were expecting haircuts tomorrow and another half dozen on Wednesday won’t be getting them. At least not from him. Hopefully they’ll be willing to wait for him to find a new shop to work out of.

Thanks! Boo said she just grinds them until they are cracked, so that doesn’t seem to be that bad, just time consuming. I have a hand-cranked coffee grinder (bought for pretty) that I was thinking of trying, but wasn’t sure what I needed for results. And if I had to buy another (whistles innocently) to get the correct results, well, could be worse.

Weather’s going to change this weekend with snow up in the mountains. Could be time to start baking.

Now if I could just borrow some of the energy and determination from Mooooooom and Swampy my house would be spiffed and there would be food in the freezer.

I woke just before 2. It’s now just after 3. I need sleep. Dammit. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Up, caffeinated,and sheveled. Off to sort.
Moooommmmmmmm!, sleep is for the weak!

doggio, apparently that’s what Taz thought. As I was about to doze, he jumped up on me and that was that. So I’m up and breakfasting in anticipation of a long day. It’s a Roxy day. Yeah.

Happy Tuesday!!

Good Mornin’ Y’all! Up and caffeinatin’. YAWN ‘Tis 57 Amurrkin out and clear with a predicted high of 76 and mostly N.O.S. for the day. Today is laundry day. Woohoo. We shall go do the geezer hog trough buffet at the Golden Corral around two this afternoon just cause. We’ve been lazy about cookin’ the past few days but we’ll get better startin’ tomorrow. Apparently power went out or blipped at some point last night. When I awoke all the clocks were flashin’ and such. I had the joy of wanderin’ through da cave to reset clocks.

IMO White Castle and Krystal are the same thing. Both are definitely after party food-like substances.

Bumba I kinda am in assisted livin’. So is OYKW. Neither of us could survive on our own I think. We tend to do things to hurt ourselves.

gotti hope PWAISDN finds a new place soonest.

Now I need more caffeine and rumbly tummy wants to be fed. Then, onward into the day! Rah.

Happy Tuesday Y’all!

Me, too, but my excuse is having to irk yesterday and today.

So, I gotta get up again in a bit. Gods am I tired. “I worked five whole days in a row” sounds whiny as hell, but this is a 4on/3off job for a reason.

Kitchen is kinda trashed, though. I still haven’t washed the mixing bowl from the cupcakes I made last week, ferchrissakes.

Well, onward into the day.

This makes me feel much better. I was sure I was the only one. Morning all.

Our local hog trough closed its doors, probably due to plague. In fact, FCD was reading off a list of business that are close to bankruptcy due to plague. I even heard that Carnival Cruise Lines is in trouble. The post-plague world will be interesting.